Fry tank self made

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Fry tank self made

Post by Farid »

Hi folks,
i made another version for a inhanging fry tank. it is made with a extension on the top part, so i can hang it over the length stabilisation glass stripe that is usually to fin in most of the tanks...


an aditional glas stripe is siliconed on top so the delicate part that carries the water during a waterchange in the maintank will not break.

the metal "fence" is nicely cut out so the water supply pipe will just find a nice grip in the webbing. to make sure the webbing does not ripp off, i glued another small glass stripe over the mesh part...

the 4mm glass is cut with an ordenary glass cutter, and petroleum. the edges are broken with a diamand layered sponge.


[Mod edit: Make full-size images show directly in the post, rather than links --Mats]
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

That's pretty cool. Do you have a pic of one in action? Or is this a prototype?
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by Farid »

hi there,
i made four of them for command...already sold. but mine work fine. i will try to make some good pics in action ...(my website sucks at the moment...)

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by bronzefry »

Nicely done, Farid!
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by apistomaster »


Pretty good design.
I had a thought about the metal mesh. I would use polyvinyl mesh. I think to do so it might be necessary to add two strips of glass on either side to provide a bonding surface to silicone the edges of the plastic mesh to the side walls. A bit more work but then all metal would be eliminated from your design.
I have built well over 100 all glass aquariums from 1 gal photo tanks to 100 gallon tanks plus used glass to turn 29 gallon Tall tanks, 12 X 30 X 18H inches, into baffled wet/dry filters so I have used glass and silicone construction extensively. glass and silicone construction is versatile. I don't have the equipment to do work with plexiglas which has to be done very accurately.
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by Farid »

hi Larry? (is this your name?)

i also had many questions about "why metal and no plastic, nylon or other materials...

the holes in the mesh are about 2x2mm the wire itself about 0,5mm so it is very stable. a mesh is softer, needs to be cleaned carefully and i guess is less strong to hold the airpipe in place for a long time.

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by apistomaster »

In craft stores they sell a semi-rigid plastic which has very similar properties and openings as your galvanized hardware cloth.
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by Farid »

hmm.... so i call you larry from today on 8)

do you have any pictures of your constructions? i'm curious how they lool like any how your watercirculation moves etc...

to all the other silent readers...please post your self made ideas with pictures...this might help the one and other to have better chances to raise their fry!! while i think it is necessary to spread the good tips and ideas so we get a bit more stable rising our fry for the market. soon not many more wild caught animals will reach the market for us...

best regards
My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: Fry tank self made

Post by apistomaster »

Farid wrote:hmm.... so i call you larry from today on 8)

do you have any pictures of your constructions? i'm curious how they lool like any how your watercirculation moves etc...

to all the other silent readers...please post your self made ideas with pictures...this might help the one and other to have better chances to raise their fry!! while i think it is necessary to spread the good tips and ideas so we get a bit more stable rising our fry for the market. soon not many more wild caught animals will reach the market for us...

best regards
Here are some views of a 29 gallon tall I converted to a large wet/dry filter.
I used a MagDrive 9.5(950 gph) as the main pump. I also constructed a plumbing "tree" which allows me to add a PhosBan reactor which I some times use to keep Purigen in. I divert about 75 gph through the PhosBan reactor when I am using one.
Avid Trout fly fisherman. ·´¯`·...¸><)))º>
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