Poret foam???

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Poret foam???

Post by Buddy09 »

Anyone using this stuff?? I'm planning a sump for a new setup and I'm considering using two or three sheets of this as my filtration, probably course and medium or possibly course, medium and fine if it will pass the flow from my Mag 9.5, which I'm guessing should move about 700-800gph after head and plumbing losses.....Boy that was a loooong sentence.
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Re: Poret foam???

Post by dconnors »

Yes, I use the medium size sheets in my 20 longs and I do like it. It is much more durable than other sponges out there, I think this is because it has more structure. Not sure, but yes it is good stuff.
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Re: Poret foam???

Post by Buddy09 »

Thanks DC. Yeah, I want to try this stuff instead of bio balls or any of the other media that people typically use in sumps/filters. I've always found that sponges work as well or better than anything else and they're cheap. It's all I've used in my HOB's and canisters for 20 years, so I thought I'd go the same way for the sump. Cheap, effective and easy to clean. Just never tried this Poret foam before.
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