Help one of my 333 is wounded

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Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by plecotac »

I just notice this. It seems there's a patch of skin missing. Can anyone tell me what possibly happened? I was suspecting territorial/cave dispute.

From the picture you can see there's a little patch missing below the dorsal fin, the peeled skin patch can be seen from the left side of the fish to the right side of the fish. (upper)

This one is a male.

Anything I can do ?

One of my silver dollar darted through tank rocky decoration and eventually scratched his right side and bled. The wound has healed but wound mark remains. I hope this one can heal quick too.

The other thing worries me is bacterial infection.

Please tell me your opinion


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Re: Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by sunfish »

Fighting can result in wounds like this. So far, this one looks good. Bacterial infection can cause blank patches like this as well, but those have a bright red edge. There is no sign of this in the photo.

I would leave the fish where it is. Make sure the water is as clean as possible. If you want, you could add natural desinfectants like tea, catappa leaves, black cones or whatever. This should heal quite quickly.

Kep an eye on the fish, though, for signs of bacterial infection or fungus. If there is a red edge to the wound and/or some kind of fluff growing, I'd immediately resort to a good, broadband med.
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Re: Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by apistomaster »

Probably nothing to worry about. Among well established healthy L333 which incur scrapes from fighting they normally heal quickly without any intervention.
The advice about making sure the water quality is maintained well is the most important factor.
Be sure you keep the water warm; 84*F is a good temperature to keep these fish.
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Re: Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by plecotac »

Thank you so much. I can breath freely now.

Can I ask more about these natural disinfectant please...from all those natural disinfectant mentioned, I only have tea at home (who doesnt =D ). What should I do with it? Boil it first and pour in the tea water or just put the dried tea leaves in the tank or filter?

Thanks again
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Re: Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by sunfish »

You can either use ordinary, plain black or green tea or cammomile infusion, preferably organic. Boil it and use the second infusion. Let it cool and put it into the tank. About 1 pint per 10 gal (prevention).
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Re: Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by Blackhawker »

My L128 just got a wound similar to this. He was scratching himself on a sharp rock in the tank. I removed the rock, but he has a white spot above his head. Its not red, or stringy, its just white.
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Re: Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by Richard B »

I don't think the shells in the gravel are the best idea either... the boken one looks sharp & they will slowly dissolve & effect the water chemistry dependant upon the amount & tank size
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Re: Help one of my 333 is wounded

Post by Farid »

hi there,
best you can do first before adding anything to make a waterchange to keep the germ density low. add some sea almone tree leaves...feed them well (frozen food) to keep them strong.

this should be enough...dont make too much...dont forget you got your whole group in there!

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