Glass Cages Tanks, anyone???

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Glass Cages Tanks, anyone???

Post by Buddy09 »

Planning to replace one of my 75's this spring with a 125USG, 72"x18"x22". I was checking out the "Glasscages" website and they offer a "125G wide", 72x24x17. For catfish, that would actually be a better footprint, more floorspace for the fish. Anyone have one of their tanks or experience with them?? I like the idea of having the tank "made to order" so to speak and the price is in line with what I'd pay localy for a 180G, and has the same footprint, which is what matters to a catfish.
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Re: Glass Cages Tanks, anyone???

Post by MatsP »

As you say, that sounds like a very nice size of a tank for catfish.

I have no experience with this company, but I've read good things about them.

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Re: Glass Cages Tanks, anyone???

Post by Buddy09 »

Yes, that does seem like an excellent size for a catfish tank, lots of floorspace, not too deep. I'm hoping for some hands-on feedback before I make a decision. Hate to buy a custom tank and not be happy with it. With Name brands you can feel comfortable that you're getting a certain level of quality. With a smaller custom maker you would expect even better, but harder to be sure going in.
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Re: Glass Cages Tanks, anyone???

Post by TwoTankAmin »

I don't have a custom job but I do have 2x33 gal tanks and tops I got from them. a 33 is basically a chopped down 55. I have had these tanks up now for well over a year and they hold 11 WC L-134 and 17 mostly F1 L-046. I would hate to think I had all those fish in unreliable tanks :lol:

I have had my eye on their 180 for a long time but freeing up space for it has been the problem.
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Re: Glass Cages Tanks, anyone???

Post by Buddy09 »

Thanks TwoTank...the 125 wide is basically a chopped 180, same footprint, not as deep. Glad you're happy with your 33's!!
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