Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

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Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Shaun »

I'm curious to learn about any habitat data for this species. I understand they're fairly widespread and probably are found in a few different habitats, I'm just after a general idea of what they seem to prefer. And what other species tend to be found/caught with them.
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Marc van Arc »

Hi Shaun,
The following link should at least get you started :wink: ... p?id=53680
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Jools »

I've collected them in the wild, they are found in vegetation masses and rotting wood however in open water when dark. They are really widespread, amazon main channel fish. The only thing they won't like are rocks. Hollow wood with floating plants is perfect.

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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Shaun »

Thanks for that :D Not really a fish I would've thought of as being from main river channels, but they're suprisingly active after dark. The behaviour at night reminds me of Barbs, so frantic. Huge appetites this time of year too for some reason.
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Angelface23 »

Mine always have huge appetites!! They eat me out of house and home some days! I've started breeding guppies for them..they have demolished most of their tank mates except one lone gourami...and I used to keep them with some african cichlids at one time. I'm hoping now that they are mostly alone that they will start reproducing...keeping an eye on them...

I have mine in a long 55 gallon tank, lots of filtration and lots of hiding places, jars, plants, and the substrate is sand, they come out during the day every once in awhile (I've had some at least 6 years) My females are quite plump, so I'm hoping they are with egg!

these are by far my most favourite catfish!
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Marc van Arc »

Angelface23 wrote:they have demolished most of their tank mates except one lone gourami...and I used to keep them with some african c*****ds at one time
I have a "problem" linking A. coracoideus with demolition.
What species were these tankmates and cichlids if you don't mind me asking?
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Angelface23 »

Tetras...when I first purchased the cats I was told they would go with anything and still being fairly new to catfish I bought black skirt tetras, which were fine, and then I bought lemon tetras...and they were quick and expensive snacks! They will eat whatever fits in their mouth, neons, cardinals, glolights, guppies! And they play in my's amusing to watch them! They have been very bold and active as of late and my females are verrrry plump, so here's hoping they are ripe with eggs?

I had Haps (not c44s), blue zebras, misc hybrids (ugh) and yellow labs...they were always quite peaceful with them.
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by coelacanth »

I've always found them to be peaceful and compatible with everything from small tetras and pencils upwards!
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Angelface23 »

wow that's amazing, they wiped out my pencils in 2 days lol, at least it took them two days!!!
Mine somehow grew to love live food.... :shock:
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Marc van Arc »

I understand now, thanks.
To me the word "demolished" meant that they killed the other fishes without eating them - and I couldn't imagine them killing "for fun", being such a peaceful species. But when given the opportunity, they will snack on small prey - like many (cat-)fishes.
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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Jools »

Demolished, if applied to food, would mean "quickly cleared the plate" and is more usually applied to childrens eating habits.

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Re: Auchenipterichthys coracoideus habitat information please.

Post by Angelface23 »

Thanks Jools!

sorry! I use demolished as if in clearing a plate :) Comes from being around children too much j/k

They do play in plants and ruin them, they are very feisty critters with a lot of personality...I just wish they were easier to find in the stores or even for order around here!
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