What size of cave ideal for breeding?

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What size of cave ideal for breeding?

Post by plecotac »

My largest pair is 11 cm male and 9 cm female. What size of cave ideal for them? I have 2.5cmx3.5x15cm (HxWxL), is this too small? The male is now in this cave. But I feel it's bit too tight.
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Re: What size of cave ideal for breeding?

Post by DJ-don »

usually he fish would choose a cave which they feel is right for them. i found my plecos generally used tight caves. i think its because its easier to protect eggs and young.

a good size for a pleco cave is to give them room to fit their whole body length and space on the side for them just to spread their pectoral fins and height should allow the male to fit in easily without spreading his dorsal fin
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Re: What size of cave ideal for breeding?

Post by MatsP »

I don't know if you can make a formula to calculate it, but something about the width of the body of the fish plus about half a pectoral fin-length, just a bit taller than the fish itself - say half the dorsal fin's first ray taller than the fish body, and long enough that the male and the female can both fit in there without too much of the tail sticking out...

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