Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Hey guys,
i have some pic you some of you fellas help me out with an id,
as i have bred this a im possably the first in aus to do so, but i believe they are L128s but someone else believes they are L200s
so just to be safe id like some help to get a 100% positive match.
pics below
The female to me looks like L128. The male I am not sure about. That's just a guess... I'm unsure since it looks like some of the L128 page in the Cat-eLog has some individuals that are greener. I'm sure someone that actually has these fish will be around soon enough!
Congrats on the spawn, you would indeed be the first Aussie to breed these AFAIK. I'm curious about the set-up the sizes of the fish and how you've maintained them!
- Milton Tan
Research Scientist @ Illinois Natural History Survey
Details, not a problem please as there are so many things to list post what you would like to know and ill do my best to answer everything i can
thankyou for the complements
CounterStriker wrote:Details, not a problem please as there are so many things to list post what you would like to know and ill do my best to answer everything i can
thankyou for the complements
Cheers Lee
I have a colon of 5 L128's I'm growing out in a 125 gallon and was hoping to breed them at some point, so it would be helpful to me (and likely others as well) to see pictures of your setup, what your water parameters are, what you think triggered the spawning etc. Anything you think might help would be great.
When I look at the females belly... it seemes to have a yellowish color.
I have (look at the L128 photo profile) a image of a pair of L128. When we tooked the images, we notised that the female had a much more yellowish color. A bit more than the female on this photo.
I have looked at several males... all white belly.
Sence I haven't had the chanse at that many females, I cant tell if a yellowish color at the belly could be a way to sex L128s...?
Have any other species different color on the belly?
The only way to know this, is perhaps to look at more fishes to determine if it could be this way.
Interesting to know about this breeding would be:
Habitat in the aquarium , size of the aquarium, current in water and so on.
The yellowish belly point is an interesting observation. I'm going to start looking at mine when they go up against the glass to see if I can spot any.
Ok details,
PH neutral 6.5
Temp 28 Degrees
i dont have a test for conductivity - sorry
the L128s are about 15-16cm + in size
setup, is a 4x18x18 that is partiotioned into 3 even sections which i L128s own 1 section so not very large at all
its an undergravel setup with red/brown gravel 2 large rocks, 1 piece of planted drift wood and 1 slate cave with the opening size about 3x3cm
i have a 1200lph in there section that is angled so it creates a kinda swirling motion in the partition.
Lee ill get photos of the setup after work if i have time,
but the main point of this thread is to confirm that these are L128s and not L200s
CounterStriker wrote:
but the main point of this thread is to confirm that these are L128s and not L200s
True, and I think all responders have confirmed that, so I think you're good to go there. Maybe if you have time, a separate thread on the spawn and breeding setup is in order. It would certainly be much appreciated, at least by me.
Okay, please help me out here, l will accept your word(s) that these are L128, what makes them different L128 - L200.
If l go to Cat-elog all images of L200 are green, L128 Blue, where am l going wrong then?
L200 Green phantom
L128 Blue Phantom
In the end, a wonderful achievement never the less, brilliant
L128 has spots all over the body, L200 has only spots on the front half (ish). L128 is quite variable in colour, depending on several factors, including where they are caught and their "mood".
Boots n all wrote:Okay, please help me out here, l will accept your word(s) that these are L128, what makes them different L128 - L200.
If l go to Cat-elog all images of L200 are green, L128 Blue, where am l going wrong then?
L200 Green phantom
L128 Blue Phantom
In the end, a wonderful achievement never the less, brilliant
At least to my eyes, some of those L128 individuals look kind of green.
- Milton Tan
Research Scientist @ Illinois Natural History Survey
MatsP wrote:L128 has spots all over the body, L200 has only spots on the front half (ish). L128 is quite variable in colour, depending on several factors, including where they are caught and their "mood".
Ok, prior to this post, I thought I had a pretty good grip on L200 vs. L128, but if this is true, then I am really confused by this pic of a male L200 in the Cat-e-Log, because the spots go right to the end of the tail, just short of the caudal fin:
Well looking at a few pictures it seems like the L200's spots fall on the dorsal spine, where as the L128 fall all over the dorsal? May just how I see them in the images of the catelog, but htat could be a factor?
the L200 doesn't have spots on the last 25% of the body, nor on the caudal fin. L128 has spots all the way.
Thanks for clarifying Mats. Maybe it's a poor reflection in that picture, but I think I see a spot on the back of the that L200 in the pic, just ahead of the caudal fin, and that's why I was confused. I'm go and have a good look at each one of my L128(?) and L200 when I get home tonight. So does that mean that L200 and L128 can both have green or blue hues?
Yes, but L128 has spots ALL the way to and including the caudal fin.
And bear in mind that in my best understanding, there is little difference between L200 and L128 - they may not be considered the same species, but they are definitely very closely related, and there is a big variation.
Ah...ok. I guess that's the part I was not understanding. The caudal fin (as currently understood) of the L128 should have spots, right? That's why you were asking me (in my other thread with pics) if there were spots in the back half of one of my L128's. Thanks.
You can't go after the amount of spots or if the spots reach the caudalfin, in both "species" the spots is variable but much more variable in L128 that can have less or more spots not even reaching the caudalfin looking like a L200 with wrong colour.
L128 is distinguish from L200 by the colour, L128 is either blue-green or darkgreen with spots and L200 is either green or yellow-green with spots. The colour in L128 some say depends on the location, I say that they are very blue-green as younger induviduals but with age and large size they become darkgreen and lose this nice blueish hints.
Janne wrote:CounterStriker's fish is without any doubts L128.
You can't go after the amount of spots or if the spots reach the caudalfin, in both "species" the spots is variable but much more variable in L128 that can have less or more spots not even reaching the caudalfin looking like a L200 with wrong colour.
L128 is distinguish from L200 by the colour, L128 is either blue-green or darkgreen with spots and L200 is either green or yellow-green with spots. The colour in L128 some say depends on the location, I say that they are very blue-green as younger induviduals but with age and large size they become darkgreen and lose this nice blueish hints.
I think everyone's agreed on the first part, that CounterStriker's fish is L128. But the criteria almost sounds contradictory, since everyone describes colour and hues slightly differently. For instance, you can see in my Avatar that L128 is Indigo, almost black and it's about 3.5 - 4" SL, so shouldn't it be starting to turn green by your criteria? I'm left even scratching my head worse than when this thread was started.
WOAH 10 inch is massive, thats very kool, talk about this thread turning into a tail spin, but all the info and comments are very interesting and i thank you all for taking the time to post