"Stingray Pleco" ?

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"Stingray Pleco" ?

Post by Vik »

I was looking on aquabid and there is an auction for 12 stingray pleco, the photo doesn't look like a pleco to me - does anyone know what they are?
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Post by S. Allen »

my guess is it's a hill stream loach, also sold under the name Hong Kong pleco, butterfly pleco(which can actually refer to a real pleco, L052 as well), or stingray plecos. Neat fish but have some tough demands, if you do a search of these forums for Hong Kong Pleco you'll find a lot of info that'll help you make your decision.
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Post by Vik »

I am almost positive they are not a loach of any sort. I believe they are actually Stingrays. The photo is the same as a stingray, the seller was mistaken, I think.
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Post by Silurus »

I know the auction you speak of. I am quite sure that the seller knows that they are stingrays and just wanted to draw attention to the listing (note that the term"stingray pleco" wasn't actually used anywhere).
S. Allen
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Post by S. Allen »

What an idiot... I think aquabid should be regulated more strictly... state latin name, common name, or L# for the title, no exclamation points, not teasers... And species name ought to be an absolute requirement in the info somewhere. Some of these idiots make popup ads look subtle. of course he's also selling stingray plecos in this auction.

http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/ ... 1063152348

my honest belief is that you do business with this idiot you've got at best a 50/50 chance of getting something you didn't want.

I might also add that there's no reserve whatsoever, and currently the bidding's at $60. Each one of those fish will sell for $60, there's no way he can afford the loss of 11 stingrays. He doesn't have a picture, and he doesn't know what the hell he's selling. Ignorance such as that, as well as, I'm guessing, the theft of a picture from elsewhere on the web ought to be punished by banishment from selling there. You might notice that he's got 2 feedbacks that state he's done this before...
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Post by S. Allen »

and note that the fish he's offering are 2 inches... no stingray I know of is even born that small... either this guys a really massive idiot, or he's trying to burn people. Either way, I shouldn't get into it, that site has good people, and real jackasses... heh, I start spitting out names and I'll find myself in hot water I imagine... but I'll e-mail this guy to get a species name... see if he responds... There was someone listing a true tigrinus catfish starting at $20 or something a week ago, I e-mailed him asking if he meant merodontotus tigrinus, and if he'd guaruntee that was the species, and that it came with an alive and healthy guaruntee... surprise surprise, he never answered.

I was wondering if you can give me the exact species name of the fish being offered in this auction. I'd also like to see if they're guarunteed to be that species, or at least of the same genus, and are they the fish depicted in the picture, or is that just to give an idea?


just sent, we'll see what's said.

Sorry, it just pisses me off beyond the limits of what I can sit still and keep quiet about.
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Post by S. Allen »

No answer
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Post by König Löwe »

How about just having someone at Aquabid look innto it? *Maybe* they'll do something about it...
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Post by T »

Its got to be hillstream loaches he's selling if they are 2".Thats such as shame too because these fish will only really thrive in a coldwater stream setup.YES they will live in regular tropical temps but I doubt they will do well. :(
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