Site Suggestion : search by PH range

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Site Suggestion : search by PH range

Post by SCSI_Bear »

I know it would be a big task but, I think it would be a very good idea to have a search for fish within a specific PH value.

This would help compatibility issues for people wanting to purchase cats for a specifit tank environment.
Say someone was setting up a Malawi Cichlid tank for example and they required a cat or two. Malawi's require a PH of 7.8 - 8.5 so if the PH search were to increment by a PH of say 0.5 or 1.0, you could simply type in a search PH range of 7.5 - 8.5. This would then give a listing of the cats compatible within that would save wasted hours searching through the whole site list to get compatible well as risking the lives of incompatible fish.

Whaddya think ??
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Post by Jools »

Yes, I'd love to put this sort of facility into the pages and I suspect I will at some point in the future (but don't hold your breath). To do this I would first need to put the whole database online rather than the current method.

Not only pH but you could search by adult size, temperament, biotope etc etc etc etc.

It boils down to two factors, (a) technical knowledge and (b) money. Both situations will improve with time but we are talkin months if not years before I get this up and running given the current situation.

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