Hello from Ohio!

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Hello from Ohio!

Post by Burks »

Hi everyone!

My name is Craig and I am a 24 year old nursing student from Crestline, OH. Been keeping aquariums for about 14 years on and off, heavily for the past 6. Done everything from high tech reefs to no-tech 3g shrimp tanks. After being heavily involved in the marine side of things I've been drawn back to freshwater where I got my start. Always had a thing for cats, big and small (and the furry type that steal your blankets). Cories are by far my favorite type of fish. So many colors, variants, body types, etc.

Currently I am keeping:

- Curvicep cichlids - Unsuccessful at breeding right now.
- White Cloud Minnows - Not trying to breed, I just love them
- Red Cherry Shrimp - Just got some "pures" in. Some wild types got in my gene pool before and ruined it. Oh well. Also lost nearly 150 to a bad heater.
- Wild Type Neocaridina Shrimp - Have over 300 of them in a 20L, barely even take care of them! They sort of do their own thing.
- Albino Bristlenose Plecos - Have a young trio. Fattening them up for breeding.
- Emerald Green Cories - Supposed to be a "breeding group" but they've never bred for me. Either way, fun active fish for my 40g.
- Various "other" Bristlenose Plecos - I bought 30 of these tiny guys (1/2" at most) for $10 at a swap. No idea what variant they are, nor do I care really. They are growing quick. All 30 live in a 40g breeder and go nuts over anything I toss in.
- Kribnesis - Just bouth 2M/2F from Aquarium Adventure yesterday for $24. Not a bad price, not great. Either way, they are getting used to their new uncrowded home. I hope to get these guys to breed here soon. They'll have a 20g long for each pair. Lots of room!

Also sort of working on trying to get even more blue Ramshorn snails. I picked all my blues out and move them from tank to tank as they breed, trying to get the bluest of the blue.

Anyways, that's me!
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Re: Hello from Ohio!

Post by corybrummie2010 »

Hi,welcome to planetcatfish :D .Cories are my favourite too.
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Richard B
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Location 2: Warwickshire: UK
Interests: Tanganyika Catfish, African catfish, Non-loricariid sucker-catfish.
Running, drinking, eating, sci-fi, stapelids

Re: Hello from Ohio!

Post by Richard B »

Hey anyone from the same place as Captain Kirk, needs a big "Welcome to Planet Catfish" :D :thumbsup:
Lou: Every young man's fantasy is to have a three-way.
Jacob: Yeah not with another fu**!ng guy!
Lou: It's still a three-way!

Hot Tub Time Machine: 2010
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