H Fossilis in StAlbans

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H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by jscoggs27 »

Just been to maidenhead aquatics in St Albans, on the A414. I dont work for them or anything but they do have what they call in stock. Very active, about 50mm long very dark green or black. Very attractive fish, but not for me. Apologies if i've posted this in the wrong place or am out of order publicising a shop.

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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by MatsP »

Was this the fish that were in large group madly swimming around in a corner, in a tank roughly opposite the plants? If so, did you notice if the Anal and Dorsal fin were joined or not - I seem to remember that the fins were joined, but I can't say for sure.

If they are joined, then it's H. microps rather than H. fossilis.

They didn't have a label when I was in a couple of weeks ago.

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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by jscoggs27 »

Sorry Matt such details always elude me, now I know what to look for ill try a return visit this week and find out. Just out of curiosity you understand.
First time ive been in that shop. Not bad, but apart from the above nothing really grabbed my interest.
Anyone seen anything lately that just stood out in a sea of mediocrity. Seen some nice Micro synodontis, and mystus sp as well, cant remember where tho. Memory's going i'm afraid.
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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by MatsP »

It depends very much on what you count as interesting and mediocre - unfortunately, one mans rubbish is another mans treasure or whatever the saying is.

A shop that often has some interesting fish in is the Maidenhead Aquatics in Oxford/Wheatley. It's about 1h15m according to Google maps. Of course, I can not guarantee that they have something that you find interesting, but they did have some Mystus (probably M. mysticetus, based on the fact that they were labeled M. vittatus, and I believe from recent communications that most of the "M. vittatus" are actually M. mysticetus).

I've also seen a completely black Mystus species from time to time - "Asian upside down cat", .

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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by Acid John »

Hi Mats do you mean the CAUDAL fin and anal fin are joined.
It's the things you don't see that poke you in the eye!
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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by MatsP »

Acid John wrote:Hi Mats do you mean the CAUDAL fin and anal fin are joined.
Yes, of course. Must switch on brain before letting fingers type... ;)

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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by Redtailrob »

Anyone have confirmation if this fish is Fossilis Or Microps?
What was the price?

I brought one several years from wildwoods that was Fossilis.
Fantastic fish.
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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by RickE »

Don't know which species, but I think they were £5.95. They were almost black when I saw them 2 weeks ago. Very active and looked like they had been feeding well.
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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by MatsP »

No idea which of the species it is as of right now. Quick check would be the anal-caudal fin being split/joined giving fossilis/microps.

And when I was in there, there was no price. If it is the fish I think they are, the fish are small (around 2"), so I wouldn't expect them to be very expensive. I'm sure if you give them a call (ask for Andy or Scott, they are both at manager level, Andy being the store manager if I understand it correctly...) - I'm sure one of them will tell you the price and give you their best estimate of whether the fins are joined or not. Sorry, haven't got their number, but I'm sure google will find it.

Edit: price confirmed.

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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by jscoggs27 »

Hi all,
Not had time to make a return visit and doubt I will this week. However, I seem to remember seeing something else interesting there.
I'm not very good at identification, the finer points ellude me. There was something that looked a bit like Gagata cenia. About 25-30mm long all in one tank.
If you saw the H fossilis maybe you saw these others as well. (they were near the end opposite the goldfish)
My apologies if I'm very wrong about ID, like I said, not my strong point...
Edit, Also I get colours mixed up!
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Re: H Fossilis in StAlbans

Post by Richard B »

MA Wheateley has at least a couple of 5" 'fossilis' the other week

If you wanna see what's around there are some recent threads in "speak easy" on a few shop visits - is there anything you're particularly interested in?
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