Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Haavard Stoere
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Haavard Stoere »

This morning I found a new clutch of L200 eggs. They were quickly transferred to the 20 liter glass tank with methylene blue. I can`t count the eggs, but the clutch looks similar in size to the last one. This time I use a small powerhead with diffusor to aerate the eggs. My only airpump is being used for another purpose. As they hatch in 5 says I will count them, and I will count all losses up to that point so that I can calculate the total number of eggs.

The previous brood is being fed with crushed Tetra Pro Vegetable flakes, Crushed Tetra Min flakes, Earthworm sticks, Artemia Sticks and Crushed canned peas. I have had a small number of losses (At least two, but probably more) due to bloat (probably internal bacteria), but I expect to get a large number to survive these few critical weeks. They will all be counted for the record in a few weeks.

Just an off topic observation..... L200 Hemiancistrus subviridis are the most shy pleco I have ever kept. They never eat during day unless food falls into their shelter. They hate the light so much that food along the front glass don`t get eaten at night because of small amounts of "moonlight" from another tank in the room. My L200 tank have no tetras or shrimps, so visitors assume the tank is empty despite of 14 adults and 17 juveniles.
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

It almost seems that L200 isn't a breeding challenge any more... just like a normal Ancistrus sp. breeding... :wink:

My L200s isn't shy at all. Quite the oposit.
They are always in front of the aquarium and are always very quick to find the bottom tabs. I find them the least shy among my catfishes. Perhaps it's has do do with lightning in the aquarium? I have a regular amarature lightning in that aquarium.

You just have to breed them some more and you will have so many L200 that it will be impossible, not to se any of them! :thumbsup:

Whats the total count of you're L200 breedings? You well over 200 specimens now?

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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Haavard Stoere »

Cristoffer Forssander wrote:Whats the total count of you're L200 breedings? You well over 200 specimens now?
My total at the moment from my first two successful attempts is around 20-30. My last one was 72. With the expected losses I think the number for the last one will be 50-60. I belive in time I will be able to produce 40-60 in each brood. Remember I breed them in a colony of 13 mostly adult fish. The females probably take turns with the alpha male. Later this season I plan to break up the group and put pairs/trios in smaller tanks with a central filtration system to increase productivity.
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Haavard Stoere »

Cristoffer Forssander wrote:
Whats the total count of you're L200 breedings? You well over 200 specimens now?
Yes! Now I have more than 200.

Because I have enough fry to sell I will attempt to let the next few (2-3) breedings occur naturally. I am adding Cattapa leave extract to the tank and will let the male do his thing naturally next time. Also I will stop all feeding when I see the eggs to prevent high levels of bacteria in the tank.
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Haavard Stoere »

Should I consider UV?
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by DJ-don »

Haavard Stoere wrote:Should I consider UV?
it never hurts to try
i use UV in my cory and bn breeding tank to remove any fungus spores
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Bas Pels »

Personally I would not

You managed to get 200 fry without UV, so it is not essential. But using UV will result in not expoosing your fish to biohazards they will meet later in life - in your buyers tank

Both from a fish welfare point of view and a commercial point of view, this is not good

I do realize, however, some fish need UV. Fish which breed as high upstream as possible, will spawn in a place where the water is too young to carry much fungi, bacteria or other threats - and the eggs will therefore not be able to cope with such

UV will allow you to have a tank with acceptable wate for them, but if not essential, I would not use it
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Haavard Stoere »

I was not thinking of using UV permanently, but rather switching it on when I see breeding behaviour and swithing it of when fry are ready to leave the cave.
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Farid »

hi there,
i never used UV on my L200 fry...neither for eggs ...

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Haavard Stoere »

Also it is rather expensive, so I will attempt without UV to start with.
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Farid »

my couple is busy at the moment :) after a very long time of nothing...i got now 11 animals in the tank since about 5 months.

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Farid »

My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by krazyGeoff »

Go Farid :thumbsup:
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by Farid »

...the eggs were the next day al of them were bright yellow...after 5 times this is the first time they messed it up.

next time ....
My cats L2,49,47,46,L66,134,181,189,200,201,204,205,208,260,397,LG6,Parotocinclus recife/halderoi,A.ranunculus,Peckoltia sp. "rio palacio",Pseudohemiodon platycephalus/lamina,Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus,Rineloricaria lanceolata,St.festivum,Akysis vespa,Bunocephalus corracoides,Synodontis multipunctatus/grandiops, C.panda,adolfoi,cruziensis
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Re: Breeding Hemiancistrus subviridis

Post by andywoolloo »

next time.
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