Albino Channel Cat in the Winter???

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Albino Channel Cat in the Winter???

Post by CarapacePlace »


I owned a 19-inch Albino Channel Cat a couple of years ago. I made the mistake of trying to move him when I transferred. All it took was a 1/2-mile round trip to the grocery store to send him belly up. I hear the vibrations of being in a car stressed him out.

Anyway, I have a new catfish. This one is only 2-inches long and currently resides in my 125-gallon tank with other fish. The tank can be viewed at . Scroll to the fish tank and click that link (for some dumb reason, the word "C i c h l i d s" can't be displayed here... that's the name of the HTML document that contains an images of the fish and tank).

I have a 150-gallon stock tank that I intend to move him to once he's about 9-inches long. But I'm curious to know how he'll hold up in the winter. I've read that Channel Cats like it warm... but I also know that they often live in areas where the water ices up.

Will my cat be okay during the winter months? Or will I need to heat the stock tank?


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Post by Silurus »

They do pretty well in an unheated tank during the winter, so long as the tank is indoors (the heating you use for the room would normally suffice), and can probably withstand the winter in a large body of water outdoors.
The problem is that I'm not sure a 150-gallon stock tank is considered a large enough body of water for it to overwinter comfortably without a heater.
Bear in mind that channel cats can reach a size of 52", so even the stock tank may become a little crowded for it eventually.
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Channel Cats

Post by scottydog »

I don't know where you live Scott but in the UK you need a permit to keep channel cats so you may want to check this out.
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Post by RogerMcAllen »

I thought that they could live over winter in a pond.
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ponds freeze too

Post by xander »

Around here (midwest) there are plenty of fish that overwinter. But some smaller bodies of water don't hold enough dissolved oxygen to sustain all the fish all winter long. So we get what we call winter kill. A pump installed in the lake or pond can keep open water and oxygen exchange thoughout the year to prevent this. I wouldn't let any of your tank to freeze. It would likley break. As long as the water isn't cold enought ot freeze I'm sure it will be fine.
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Re: Albino Channel Cat in the Winter???

Post by troi »

CarapacePlace wrote:Hi,

I owned a 19-inch Albino Channel Cat a couple of years ago. ...Will my cat be okay during the winter months? Or will I need to heat the stock tank?
Mine did fine outside in the pond last winter. He grew. I live in a mild climate, however. It did not freeze last winter and probably didn't get below 40 deg. F even at night.

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Post by michelle56 »

good luck!
I like the pics too.
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Re: Channel Cats

Post by Teelie »

scottydog wrote:I don't know where you live Scott but in the UK you need a permit to keep channel cats so you may want to check this out.
According to his location, Hampton Roads, Virginia so no need to worry over UK permits. I used to live around that area, in Virginia Beach actually. I too have a Albino Channel Cat, only around 8" at the moment but it seems to do fine in an unheated tank. Then again my room stays around a steady 70 degrees so it's not usually an issue. Might have to get rid of it though. Only have a 29 gallon tank which he's near to out growing. :(

I would say the fish would be okay so long as the heat in the room it's in is on.

Edit: Just noticed how old this thread is. :oops:
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Post by troi »

Mine is outside in a pond. It was down in the high 30's F last month. The fish has gone through a previous winter, including light freezes althought he pond didn't ice over.

He is in with koi, who are as rambunctous as he is. I wouldn't worry too much about tempertures.

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Post by ujha201 »

i fish for them under 2 foot of ice in north west minnesota im am sure it will do fine.
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