L134 or not?

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L134 or not?

Post by Sophiru »

This young pleco was sold to me as L134, but I suspects its not of that species... The pleco is hiding most of the time, behind a piece of driftwood, but I managed to get some pics...





Would like to know the species and possibly gender too?
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Re: L134 or not?

Post by MatsP »

Looks like . But it's not that easy to say from those photos. I can certainly say it's NOT .

The photos aren't clear enough that I can tell if it's a male or female.

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Re: L134 or not?

Post by Sophiru »

Just as I suspected. :razz: I'll put up some better photos for betted ID if I manage to get some, as I said, its always hiding and with my crappy camera it's hard to get a decent pic.
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Re: L134 or not?

Post by AleGer »

It is Not L134. As far I know L134's belly is with out any pattern.
And such belly pattern as at the photo has Panaque.
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Re: L134 or not?

Post by Karsten S. »


as mentionned before the photos are not good enough for a definite answer.
My guess would be Panaqolus cf. maccus (LDA 67), 100% no L 134.


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Re: L134 or not?

Post by krazyGeoff »

Hi Sophiru,
I agree with Mats.
These hit the market last year with the same label. Here is my post about them.
http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... 13&t=25816

They are still a really nice little fish though.

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