Need some help fast with an L200....

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Need some help fast with an L200....

Post by Pooks73 »

okay so i got 2 L200's last wednesday. both got through shipping well and were acclimated to their holding tank. no fighting seen, in fact strangely enough these two were inseparable.

i was having trouble getting them to eat, and i tried everything. shrimp pellets, cucumber, live blackworms, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp so far. but no eating...

yesterday i woke up to find that one had died. it's belly was a little swollen, but this was the one that had eaten a little. i'm not sure what that means.

today i go down to do a water change on the holding tank, and the other one isn't looking so great. it's belly is sunken and it's breathing kind of fast. also i'm not getting too much of a response when i move things in the tank. it just kind of sits there.

i took a look at the tank, and i realized that the temp was very high, about 88. the holding tank was in the basement where it's usually cooler, but in this heat it's been the opposite down there. i moved the remaining L200 into an established 10 gallon that i have upstairs. there are only 4 metae corys in the tank with it. the temp in that tank is 84, but in this heat i can't really get it any lower. i added a air diffuser to try to help with o2 exchange, and turned off the lights.

the plec is wedged in a corner now between the glass and a piece of slate. i'm concerned because it's still breathing hard, and it's not attaching itself to the glass. it's just kind of resting against the glass to hold itself up. no real movement, and no eating.

is there any hope of saving this guy? i don't know what to do for him....
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Post by Pooks73 »

anyone??? please????
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Post by Pooks73 »

thanks a lot everyone. i lost the other L200 today. glad to see that i can come here for help....
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Post by Janne »

If there had been some one that knowes your problem i'm sure they had give you any answer, but there are no one standing bye in front of the computer every time at day.
I suppose they have to work sometimes also or maybe sleep :)

Next time you buy expensive catfishes...let them go in their own tank for the first weeks and keep the temp around 27-28 C with good cirkulation/current to keep the O2 high, lights off and give them little more protein in the beginning.
If they show signs for parasites you have to use some medication, but to be sure they are healthy when you buy them you should only chose the ones there are active and have a nice filled belly.

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Post by DeLBoD »

Sorry to hear that, but with the data you gave I could not see anything to go on really. :(
Post water paramiters next time you have a problem as this would be the best start.
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Post by Barbie »

I would definitely have to agree. I read this post and decided there wasn't enough information to try to guesstimate a solution to the problem. You'd already lowered the temperature, which is the only true problem that you stated. You don't even tell us how long you'd had the fish, or whether they were initially kept in a cycled tank. I'm quite sorry that you lost your fish, but without the necessary information that would let us help you, there really isn't much we can do.

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