140x50x35cm (around 200L until I sort out the overflows) Custom made open top aquarium with 2x 1" side drilled bulkheads.
100x40x40cm (180L approx) Ehiem Scuba aqaurium (as a sump)
Total system volume approx 380-400L
Fluval 405 external filter with matured ceramic biorings, ehiem biological media (Coco puffs!), Fine filter floss, peat and the biological/mechanical sponges which come with the filter
2x 300w RENA smartheat heaters
Arcadia 3 series overtank light (over the 180L)
DIY stand using 50x50mm wood and 8mm MDF topped with 10mm polystyrene and butyl pond liner (to protect MDF from spillages)
Soon to add fluidised sand filter and 3000Lph "wavemaker" circulation pump in the 200L and some form of lighting (I may use LED wall lights or pendants hung from the shelf above the aquarium.)
Aquascaped using dark rounded slate pebbles and boulders, senegal sand and vine wood
Water is approx 80% RO water and 20% tap water (I will no longer be using tap water as our local pH is >8 and I only used it innitially to top up.)
Water perameters currently stand at:
NH3 0ppm
NO2 0ppm
NO3 10ppm
PO4 0ppm
Ph 7
GH 40d
KH 30d
(tested almost daily)
The tank has been running 2 weeks (1 week empty, 1 week at current stocking) the filter media was matured over 2 months with pure ammonia and supplimented with just about every "bacteria" suppliment avaliable and mature media from numerous systems.
Current stocking is:
2x L066 (Male + Female)
3x Apistogramma viejita (Male + Female breeding pair + another female)
A few Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae not really biotope specific but as a big planted aquarium guy I could never set up a tank devoid of flora, I opted for this plant because apart from being my 3rd favorite plant! It really suits this type of environment, low light, low nutrient (Liquid, substrate AND CO2) as well as tolerating high flow and a wide range of parameters… It also looks really really cool!
Empty and completely undecided as to how to aquascape or stock!
Soon to be added to the 200L
Leporacanthicus galaxias (Full grown adult male in 2 days time!)
Corydoras sterbai large group approx 10
A shoal of tetra (Species yet undecided)
More L066
I like to keep records of all my aquariums at home, college and work that I have set up over the years in the hopes that one day I might get around to putting a bit of a portfolio together and using it to somewhat further my career. Anyway without further addo some pictures for your enjoyment!
Firstly the DIY stand, I’m sure some of you will cringe at the thought of something so flimsy holding so much weight in an upstairs room but unfortunately I am not a carpenter and chose to do food tech (Home economics) instead of resistant materials (Shop class/woodwork)!! However I was present when this room was being constructed and have also been congratulated on my handiwork by both my father (An experienced tradesman) and a close friend a very skilled carpenter who are both a lot more confident than myself in its stability! Its also pretty ugly for something that is located in my bedroom (at the end of my bed to be exact) but considering the usual state of the rest of my room which is constantly covered in aquatics equipment, buckets, empty aquariums, sand and gravel, fishing rods, clothes and various other junk I decided do save my budget and just create something functional which does what it needs to do and makes the most of what little available space was available rather than being a pretty piece of furniture!
Here is the aquarium installed pre-filling:
Its location:
The Sump:
Filling the main aquarium:
It’s a bit difficult to get decent pictures with the camera I have especially as I currently only have an 18w clip on light over the aquarium as illumination until I sort something better out. The aquascape is also far from finished but as with all my aquariums that would be an on going thing anyway.
L066 drip acclimatising, I have yet to get a decent picture of these guys in the tank because of the light but they do spend a fair bit of time out in the open and feeding now they have been in for a week and the male has already selected his cave of choice!
My pride and joy Apistogramma viejita pair in their planted previous aquarium
With fry in the soft water system at work whilst I was building this aquarium! Male and female both guarding and showing VERY vibrant breeding colours, especially in the case of the female! Unfortunately despite numerous spawns in various aquariums I have yet to raise the eggs or fry past 10 days.
The Leporacanthicus galaxias at work I intend to spend my hard earned Christmas money on! (Can anybody confirm he is infact a Leporacanthicus galaxias and male?)
I will update soon with more pictures when hopefully I get some more stock and also some decent lighting over the main aquarium!