Swollen Plec

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Swollen Plec

Post by Ron »

My mom has pleco that was purchased as a common pleco, but it may be a sailfin pleco. Right now it is about 6-7" and I noticed tonight that it is rather swollen in the stomach. I was wondering if she either has eggs, gulped to much air, or is just plain bloated...if so how should I treat her. Her vent also appears to be enlarged...would this mean eggs are in there?

I don't know the exact water parameters...temp 81-82, neutral to slightly acidic ph. The pleco is fed one spirulina algae wafer every night and scavenges extra flake that hits the bottom. Tankmates are rainbows and congo tetras.


Sorry in advance for any pleco ignorance on my part.
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Post by Jools »

Just plain old eaten too much I think.

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Post by Ron »

Thanks for expressing an opinion. I imagined that it was over-eating, but I am still concerned that it took in too much air because it is having a real hard time staying at the bottom of the tank and instead hangs out at the top all of the time when resting.
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Post by König Löwe »

This sounds very much like a bacterial infection problem I've been having... If you are willing to risk unbalance in the tank by killing all bacteria, you should try medicating with Sera Bactopur Direct (as said, this kills ALL bacteria). I've lost six lories to this.
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Post by Jools »

Ron wrote:Thanks for expressing an opinion. I imagined that it was over-eating, but I am still concerned that it took in too much air because it is having a real hard time staying at the bottom of the tank and instead hangs out at the top all of the time when resting.
Plecs tend to do this for two reasons:

a) They are expecting food.
b) There is not enough water current or oxygenation especially at a lower level - add an airstone or at least ensure the water surface is being visibly moved by the filter.

This is fairly agriculutral advice, more details on your set-up might help.

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Post by STINGRAY »

Adding to what Jools as said, plecos do spend most of there time at the bottom half of the tank. If the substrate is not cleaned frequently, toxins can build up causing all sorts of problems. How often do you gravel clean?
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Post by Ron »

I clean the gravel every 2 weeks, all of the gravel, with a gravel-vac. There is an aristone in the tank and there is adiquate water movement since its only a 29 gallon (US) tank with an Emperor 400 on it, but the Emp has the flow turned down a bit so it isn't too strong. I am not sure of the exacts on the ph and ect. I had the water source (well water) tested for ph almost a year ago at the LFS and it was about 8. The water source and water softener have not been change since the ph was tested. I add Tetra blackwater extract to the tank at the dosage on the bottle since the tank consists of species that like a lower PH than what the water is initailly. The temp is my concern that may have led to air-gulping or baterial infection (2nd possibility now) since it has been about 82-84 degrees F when its gets hot outside. The heater is set to maintain about 82-83 F. It is not being stressed from the tankmates which include some smaller rainbows and tetras.
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Post by Connie »

What other fish are in the tank seems a 7 inch sailfin wouldnt have many places to go in a 29 gallon so that may be why he is hanging at the top, does he have a cave?
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