OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

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OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

Post by nj2tou »

I had just fed everyone (3 tanks - my new set up and my two small, neglected ( :( ) tanks. I want to get the cories from those two tanks into my new set up, but I'm still getting a small amount of nitrites in it, so... as I sat in front of one of them, watching them eat, lo and behold I see this tiny little panda foraging around for food! It is soooo cute! Maybe half an inch, nose to tail. :D There may be more in there, but who knows! I never saw any sign of eggs, but the tank is soooo overgrown with plants and such, who knows!

Woo hoo! lol!!
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Re: OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

Post by L number Banana »

Yippee for you! Aren't cory babies INSANELY cute? I guess the overgrown tank has it's benefits, lots of hiding places and lots of food for fry. Water changes may be a wee bit more important at this point but something must be just right so enjoy the show.
As always, post pics if you can get them :thumbsup:

Nicely done!
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Re: OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

Post by MatsP »


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Re: OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

Post by doodlebug »

This is my first post here, but just wanted to say the same thing happened to me. I have a heavily planted (overgrown is more like it) 10 gallon tank. I was sitting in front of it one morning and lo and behold, I saw 2 C.hastastus babies. I couldn't beleive my eyes. Since then I have seen them off and on for the last couple of weeks. Now I am trying to decide which cory I'm going to try next. Soooo addictive!
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Re: OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

Post by grokefish »

One more bucket of water and the farce is complete.
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Re: OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

Post by bronzefry »

It still slays me when I look in and a new set of eyes is looking back at me. Never expect it, but it's really fun when it happens!
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Re: OMG! a baby! lol! :-D

Post by andywoolloo »

it is one of the best parts of fishkeeping, discovering fry. :thumbsup:
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