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I agree with the above statement, but another possibility is L59 as they have been showing up as wild-caught smalls for a couple weeks on lists. With that comparison, even a country of origin may prove useful.
Impossible only means that somebody hasn't done it correctly yet.
I had the same thoughts on L59 at first since I'd seem them on the list as well but I think Mats hit it on the money. What is likely is exporters have shipped Ancistrus sp`rio_ucayali` and not knowing better labeled them as L59 and so that is what is on people's list. The L59 out now were collected at Rio Ourem according to my source. I have not seen any pics of the L59 being offered to compare anything.
Unfortunately, lists contain all sorts of oddities - and I think true L59 are pretty rare, however, the Rio Ucayali variant appear to be relatively common - not like it's available everywhere, but it's not uncommon for a wild-caught "doesn't look like a common" Ancistrus species. And if you look at pictures in Aqualog or some such, you may come to the conclusion that they are sp. Rio Ucayali - in fact, I think I've seen a Colombian exporters list with L59 listed on them. Now Ourem is in Eastern Brazil. I doubt inexpensive fish are being shipped from Eastern Brazil to Colombia for export. They are about 1.5x the price as P. maccus or so. Not an expensive fish by any means.