Anubias problem

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Anubias problem

Post by Stuey »

hello there,

A problem with anubias!!

I have a 38 gallon tank, with 2 light tubes, ( triton and freshwater)an external eheim professional filter.
Every thing in the tank has been great, but just recently some fairly well established anubias have begun to die.
The leaves are going yellow form around the edged, working towards the centre of the leaves.
The same is happening in a 22 gallon tank, again with 2 light tubes (growlux and freshwater) and an eheim 2224 external filter.

The fish, plecs, corydoras, apistogramma, brochis and cardinals are fine.

Water, is very soft, pH 6-6.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate approx 30ppm, mg/l

Other plants include Amazon swords, some cryptocornes, and Java fern, which do not seem to be having problems at all

No major changes in the tanks, so I am puzzled. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Stuey :(
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Post by coryfav »

Hi Stuey, what's the water temperature in those tanks? I've been told by one of the aquatic plants suppliers, that Anubias sp. may not do well in temperature over 28deg celcius.

I've had nice Anubias sp. before, when I'd only 1 light tube in an old tank. But ever since I started having dual tubes for my tanks, Anubias sp. couldn't survive well. Not until I fitted some fans onto some of my tanks.

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