Bristlenose prices??

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Bristlenose prices??

Post by Greenbean951 »

I am planning to sell baby bristlenose cats and I was wondering what a good price to sell them for is. I really have no idea what they're worth, and are the males worth more than females? How much are each size worth if they're...1", 2", or 3"? Any info on selling would be greatly appreciated!!! :D
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Post by Barbie »

It's really going to differ, from location to location, but I know that I see standard bristlenose fry listed on wholesale lists for 3 or 4 dollars, and albinos for 7-10, on average. These are usually at least 2 inches, and sometimes larger. Hope that helps.

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Post by Greenbean951 »

Bristlenose cats are a rarity in my area. How much would they be worth at 1" :?: So you were saying that's how much they would cost, but how much should I charge for them? About 1/3 of that or something? I think they might cost more like 5 or 6 dollars in the lfs where I live but I have no way of knowing for sure. The bigger they are the more I can charge right?
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Post by Caol_ila »


Very interesting...
Prices here are about 1-3 â?¬ for small fish and about 5-10 for bigger ones (like 3-4 inch).
And the shops dont pay money for the babys just a bit of frozen food.

When i sell the babys i take 1â?¬ per fish...
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Post by aeroflight »

I can't tell you anything about wholesale prices, but in my area I've found that at the locally owned lfs bristlenose plecos sell for about $15 for a female, $20 for a male. These fish were about 2". However, I've purchased my two bristlenose (don't know about specific identifications of their species) from one of the chain lfs for $4-$5.
My wife likes cats.
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Post by Yann »


Around here in shop a common 1' Ancistrus sp will be sold for 7$ and albinos for 11$
In fish auction you will find common for ~ 80 cents for 1' and 1$ for albinos...

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Post by Plec0maniac »

in my area fine white spotted bristle are sold for $4 for 2inches and $12 form albinos.
Too many gorgeous loricariids
So hard to obtain! Grrr....
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