What species are these two Hypancistrus?

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What species are these two Hypancistrus?

Post by ouscazz »

Anybody who can bring any light on this?
I can tell you afterwards what they are bought as.. :)

Thank you very much for taking your time.


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Re: What species are these two Hypancistrus?

Post by MatsP »

My guess is that you bought it as L340 [1] , and I'm pretty confident that it actually is aka L129.

[1] That assumes that it was reasonably ID'd by the seller, and there are both lookalikes in other genera, e.g. , as well as completely incorrectly labeled, someone saying that it's L066 or some other fish that doesn't look even similar.
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Re: What species are these two Hypancistrus?

Post by ouscazz »

Well Mats...

The smaller 8,3 cm female is bought as wild caught L333, the larger 10,9 cm male is of unknown origin but bought (in shop) as L333. Some have ID'd them as L401 and I've been thinking.. back and forth.. L333 or L401..?. leaning more towards L401... I kept these in a 720L discus/altum tank and I rarely see them out in the open. But, yesterday evening both showed up so I rapidly decided to net the two of them, mainly for sexing but also to make photos of them for secure ID'ing. I believed I had two females but it showed up to be 1+1. With that in mind, they ended up the day on their own in a 100l breeding tank.. :D

I myself feel pretty confident in ID'ing these as L333, they are quite stubby compared to the more slim L401.
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Re: What species are these two Hypancistrus?

Post by Janne »

A side shot would be good but they look like L401 and not L333, at this size they are both stubby species with the same shape of the body... one different is that L333 has a more lyretail than L401 that is more straight, so check your both speciemens if the tailfin differ in shape so you dont have one of each.

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Re: What species are these two Hypancistrus?

Post by ouscazz »

Tailfin shape on both specimens are a perfect match, also the coloration and size of the eyes.

Side view of the male, old pic.
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Re: What species are these two Hypancistrus?

Post by Janne »

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Re: What species are these two Hypancistrus?

Post by sturiosoma »

That is one spectacular looking fish.
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