What catfish is this?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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What catfish is this?

Post by KaaBee »


What kind of Ancistrus is this? It looks like the Ancistrus cf cirrhosus but I'm not sure... anyone who can confirm it?
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Re: What catfish is this?

Post by Haavard Stoere »

If it is sold as just Ancistrus it is most likely to be Ancistrus cf cirrhosus. Very nice picture :thumbsup:
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Re: What catfish is this?

Post by MatsP »

It certainly looks that way, and statistically it is very likely. However, there are literally several dozen species that look almost identical, except for things like the number of rays in certain fins, the number of bony scutes [the things that look like scales, but are under the skin], or some other minute detail that we can't easily determine on these fish.

What I'm trying to say is that, yes, treat it as the common bristlenose - but there is no way we can say 100% certain.

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Re: What catfish is this?

Post by KaaBee »

Ok thanks for the info.
What is the best way to keep this species? 1 male and 1 female or 1 male and 2 females?
My tank is 140x50x50 cm big (350 liters) and contains 3 male and 3 female Cryptoheros Nanoluteus and 1 male and 1 female Cryptoheros Panamensis.
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Re: What catfish is this?

Post by MatsP »

1m/1f or 1m/2f work really well. I have a group of about 30-50 [too many to easily count, and I can't really be bothered, and they breed every so often anyways] that all live in a 120 x 45 cm base x 37 cm high tank.

Edit: Of course, in your tank, I suspect no fry will survive - or at least very few, as the cryptoheros will eat them.

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Re: What catfish is this?

Post by andywoolloo »

that is a very beautiful picture.
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Re: What catfish is this?

Post by KaaBee »

MatsP wrote:Edit: Of course, in your tank, I suspect no fry will survive - or at least very few, as the cryptoheros will eat them.
It is not my intention to raise fry at this moment. Both Cryptoheros Nanoluteus and Panamensis are the main habitants.
I'm thinking about removing 1m/1f Nanoluteus so that there's more space for the other 2/2 Nanoluteus and 1/1 Panamensis. But I haven't decided yet. The Nanoluteus look very beautiful. Can't think of any reason to get rid of all of them in the future. I think that this will be a fish that I am keeping for a very long time...
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