ID #2 on Royal plec please

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Celtic Fins
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ID #2 on Royal plec please

Post by Celtic Fins »

Hi guys. I know this is a royal plec. But could I have an ID on it please. I looked through the catelog and it is rather confusing.

Thank you :thumbsup:

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Re: ID #2 on Royal plec please

Post by MatsP »

It is rather confusing for us regulars too. There are some differences between different variants of and their cousins. However, over the lifespan of the fish, they change quite a bit, so it's very hard to say "well, it's this one".

I think the "window" in the tail indicates a western (e.g. Colombia/Peru) origin of the fish rather than the eastern variants from Brazil. But that's as far as I will go. There are others on here that probably can pinpoint more precisely.

Celtic Fins
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Re: ID #2 on Royal plec please

Post by Celtic Fins »

Ok thanks MatsP. I guess I will just have to wait on him growing.

He is only just a tiny little over 1" at the moment. :)
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