An ID please

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Celtic Fins
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An ID please

Post by Celtic Fins »

This Synodontis ? came into my LFS by mistake from there supplier.

No idea what type or even if it is a syno. any help most apreciated.

If you need a better pic. Let me know and I will try and get one.


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Re: An ID please

Post by MatsP »

Synodontis, absolutely. Which one? Probably a hybrid, I'd say - but I'm far from expert at Synos'.

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Re: An ID please

Post by Shane »

I am stumped. Maybe some "sport" hybrid. I would actually buy it and raise it up as a pet.
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Re: An ID please

Post by Mike_Noren »

Could be a juvenile of that lemon-yellow Synodontis we've seen a couple of times? If so a gorgeous bright yellow fish, but a hybrid.
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Re: An ID please

Post by Shane »

Taking a second look, this fish has sustained some serious damage in the past. Synos are resilient but those pectorals may not grow back. Also, the dorsal spine (and entire fin) appears to be far too small. This is one deformed fish, but I stand by my earlier comment that I might pick it up, not as a proper specimen, but more of as a pet.
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Re: An ID please

Post by Celtic Fins »

I have got it in my tank.
It maybe the angle I took the shot at.
I will see if I can get a better one over the next couple of days once it is settled.
Thanks guys :thumbsup:
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Re: An ID please

Post by MatsP »

I do agree with Shane - it's been bitten or some such, and it's probably not going to heal (completely at least). The pectoral fin should end in a reasonably sharp point.

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Re: An ID please

Post by zenyfish »

My guess ... sort of like a leucistic nigriventris.
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Re: An ID please

Post by Birger »

It is an interesting little fella, what sort of size is it at the moment?

I too would give it a good life and see how it develops for size and behavior. It really has had a hard time developing, hardly any rays in the dorsal. Zeny could be right depending on the size and a person would have to observe it for awhile.

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Re: An ID please

Post by Richard B »

Is this not what has been seen in the UK trade numerous times, commercially called a "custard cat"? It is a colour bred form of nigrita or nigrita hybrid. Isn't there something vaguely similar in Seegars?
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Re: An ID please

Post by Celtic Fins »

Birger wrote:It is an interesting little fella, what sort of size is it at the moment?
He is about 3 - 3.5"

You guys sure do know your stuff. Thank you so very much :thumbsup:
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Re: An ID please

Post by Birger »

He is about 3 - 3.5"
At that size I would think it would be more as what Richard has suggested.
A 3 inch nigriventris is good sized, if it would be this it would be a smaller size due to its poor development.
Isn't there something vaguely similar in Seegars?
Richard...I know which picture you mean but can't remember where it is for the life of me.

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Re: An ID please

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Richard B wrote:Is this not what has been seen in the UK trade numerous times, commercially called a "custard cat"? It is a colour bred form of nigrita or nigrita hybrid. Isn't there something vaguely similar in Seegars?
This one?
Dr. Lothar Seegers
'The Catfish of Africa"
p. 425

Synodontis helenae
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Re: An ID please

Post by Richard B »

That's the one Dave. I've not seen them with so much dark colouration in the UK but have seen all-gold & gold with minimum pigment/pattern in the fins
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Re: An ID please

Post by Birger »

Hmmm I was actually thinking of a different photo, I can picture it and have seen it a few times but still not sure where it is.
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