Amazon Swords/Anubias (UK, Willing to Post)

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Amazon Swords/Anubias (UK, Willing to Post)

Post by Martin S »

For my new tank, I'd like few decent sized plants rather than lots of small seedlings or bunches of that may or not take, so before I go to the LFS and spend lots of money on not a lot of plants, I thought I'd check to see if anyone on here has any plants they'd be willing to sell/part with, and if not local to Reigate (RH2) be willing to post them?
I'd like one or two amazon swords, anubias (barteri/nana) or anything (Crypts etc) that is established and will be a feature in the tank.
Please let me know what you have/how much and we can go from there.
Thanks in advance
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Re: Amazon Swords/Anubias (UK, Willing to Post)

Post by MatsP »

I have some Anubias that you could get a cuttings off if we meet up any time soon. They are not massive, but have grown from about 6 small leaves to a bunch that is about 10" x 14" x 8" (somewhat assymetrical oblong/eggshaped). I'm sure cutting off a couple of inches in two-three places wouldn't cause any problem.

And of course, if you want some of your Crypts back, you're welcome to them - after all, I didn't ask for them [but they are doing nicely in the two tanks where they live now].

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Re: Amazon Swords/Anubias (UK, Willing to Post)

Post by Martin S »

MatsP wrote: I have some Anubias that you could get a cuttings off if we meet up any time soon. They are not massive, but have grown from about 6 small leaves to a bunch that is about 10" x 14" x 8" (somewhat assymetrical oblong/eggshaped). I'm sure cutting off a couple of inches in two-three places wouldn't cause any problem.
Thanks Mats - very kind of you.
MatsP wrote: And of course, if you want some of your Crypts back, you're welcome to them - after all, I didn't ask for them [but they are doing nicely in the two tanks where they live now].
Well, will see when I come to you next, and if you have any spare, then fine, otherwise, don't worry - I certainly didn't give them to you to ask for them back at a later date :lol:
Thanks again
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Re: Amazon Swords/Anubias (UK, Willing to Post)

Post by Jools »

Just a test, please ignore!

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