how many L134 in a tank

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how many L134 in a tank

Post by aalund »

how many L134 can I have in a 530 litre tank?
I have 11 now but is that to much? or can I find som more

The tank has a lot of caves,stones and plants so they have plenty of hiding places so far

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Re: how many L134 in a tank

Post by apistomaster »

I maintain a breeding colony of 2M and 3F(lost one female recently, she was hiding in a deep crevice in a piece of wood I removed and I did not realize she was hiding in it) L134 in a US 20 gal long, 12 X 12 X 30 inches. Roughly 85 liters, calculating in my head.
Your tank sounds like it is more than 100 US gal. I would think 20 adult L134 would be fine in such a tank.
I would hate to have try catching any fry they produced out of your large tank. I personally prefer several smaller separate colonies of 6, 2M and 4F. It is easier to remove furnishings that get in the way of netting the fry, especially when I drain half the water out. Their fry are pretty agile and quick. Catching them is not easy.
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Re: how many L134 in a tank

Post by jostein »

ha god filtrering i akvariene ..har utvendigt og innvendigt filter i mine ...filtreringen har også noe å si hvor mye fisk en bør ha i akvariene
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