any tips on Plecos? L264,Vampire,and, King Tiger..PleaseHelp

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any tips on Plecos? L264,Vampire,and, King Tiger..PleaseHelp

Post by SurfthaEarth »

I recently purchased 3 Plecos for my 55 gallon tank...I've read all the research that I could find on these species. I have 1 L264,1 King Tiger, and 1 Vampire...but I was wondering if anyone had any helpful tips they could give me that I might not have already read. I heard they like strong current so I went out and bought a new filter that runs 325 gph, which my oscar and blue dempsey does not seem to mind. I also have some driftwood and I've balanced my Ph to suit what I've read about these species, and purchased a variety of food. Does anyone know what particular medications I might want to have on hand in case something goes wrong. Any advice from anyone on these beautiful fish would be much appreciated, especially if you own one.... Feeding times, Food, Specific Tank environment, specific illnesses they might obtain?...any thing...Thanks a bunch.
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Post by Connie »

I have a vampire I have had him for some time now and I know when I bought him I was freaking out because I had heard they like to eat prawns and clams.
My guy eats anything that falls to the bottom.
I spoil my plecos here are some of the foods he gets.
Nutrafins spirilina tablets
Hikari algae wafers
HBH algae wafers
Hikari sinking wafers
Shrimp pellets
Nutrafins tablets
Tetra tablets
Tetra wafers
Hikari carnivore wafers
and a few other things I cant think of at the moment.
I also make sure he gets some fallen frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms and frozen krill, I also notice he eats fallen flakes.
I don't see him much on the driftwood but I know he likes it.
If I were you I wouldn't mess with the pH it can cause more problems if anything.
I have a pH of 9.0 and all my plecos like a low pH but all my plecos and delicate SA cichlids and other SA fish do great and breed in it.
As he gets older you may have a problem with aggression as they do become somewhat aggressive and you will need a bigger tank then a 55 gallon, your Oscar alone will need a 55 gallon for himself, I would suggest a 125 gallon at the minimum.
goodluck I hope I helped alittle.
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Post by Kostas »

I have three 3inch L241 plecos.Mine like to chew on my large driftwood.They hide alot but when its feeding time they get out from their hidding places immediately in search of food when they are used to you.Although they like low ph they do quite well in tap water's ph.I agree with Connie,dont mess with ph!!
As for feeding,i feed them:
Tetra plecomin
Tetra tabi min
Hikari Algae wafers
Hikari carnivor wafers
Freshwater Snails(live)This is their favourite food but feed them infrequently.
They get territorial when they mature and sometimes they are a bit agressive.I agree with Connie that you will need a very large tank if you want to house them with plecos.
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