One of them is my favorite as named Bubbles has strange deformities. She has one eye that has different sized pupil than the other side of the eye. Has balloon like body deformities. One of my favorites though she's not perfect. Her picture will be also included in this thread. I really hope to keep this group for years to come. Bubbles is the really the real reason why I decided to keep this group back.
They have been in Temp 76-83 and is currently housed in the 55g as the only cory species with current temp running as 82 degrees.
Bubbles is the one in the middle of the group of 3, can see where her body falls short in this group.
Thats her normal eye side....matches all of the others in the group
This is her strange eye- notice the pupil in this eye. This is what instantly drew me in to her. Looks little wicked?
Theres so many cory that looks just like this I have not dealt with yet.