The best way -next to starving them that is- to rid the tank is get a temporary guest; a Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) or a similar fish. they eat the things!
another way, but only if no fish reside in there, is adding a few stripped copper wires in there; you can connect them with a flashlight battery (NOT the juice outlet in the wall!!!) and run that battery empty.
the Hydra's will presish.
Afterwards it's quite easy to mop up the copper-ions, by using a new batch of activated carbon followed by a few rigorous waterchanges and by using a good tonic on the last one. (this will neutralize leftover copper)
Using fresh activated carbon to starve out Hydra's is also good, in combination with waterchanges. It makes the water "poor" on certain substances infusoria (microscopic organisms) need to thrive. Without those substances, no infusoria. Without infusoria, the hydra's will starve...
Blue Gourami
Best way to use a Blue Gourami, is buying one or more (they're dirtcheap! and peaceful too), feed them for a few days to get them used to the tank and then stop feeding for a week or so. That way they'll eradicate the Hydra's, otherwise they get lazy. And use only flake food; Hydra's don't do well on flake.