Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

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Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

Is it someone that have a good picture of a male and female Leporacanthicus heterodon and/or Leporacanthicus sp. L263 together from above?

I have some of these but not sure about the sex.

Need help.
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


The differeces are the same as in the other species. Put up some images with pics from above and I will have a look at them!

You can also have a look at www.goc.se
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


I would need bigger pics on the heads to be sure but It looks like you have a pair!

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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

Here is some more photos.
They are really bad! I have a shit camera! Throwed the camera into the wall in frustrations when i took the pictures because it turns off all the time. Lucky its still working after the hard session :lol:
Took some of a triactis also. Think its a female, but not sure!
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

Leporacanthicus triactis, female?
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

Here they are together:)
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Hello again!

I think you have a pair! It looks very much so!

The head on you're triactis seemes a bit to long for me, to be a female, but I'm not sure.

There you have a referens!


Best regards
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

sex on this one?
I had it in a cichlid tank with some other fish from it was small. Now its about 14-15cm and I decided to put it into the adults aquarium.
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »


No doubt!

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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

Thanks for help Cristoffer!
I thought it was a small male, because its not that fat yet. Maybe "she" will produce eggs now, when she have two males with her or she is to young ?
She is hanging around the alphamales cave all the time, and he seems quite interessted in her. He change collour and flash the tailfin sometimes.

Have some photos of her outside the cave. The male is watching from distance.
If the other male come this close, he get chased away fast.
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by OlePaulsen »

The 240s having the forplay now! For sure a female :)
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

I told you so! Great news! The spawning can take a days!
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Re: Leporacanthicus sp. Sex?

Post by steph en jess »

this might help my old l264 male in the middle
they spawned @ the new owner
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