in your earlier topic, i see three females and two males.
the fish in this topic could well be a 'pair' with the female in the top picture!
nice breeding group you have! 7 specimens in 3m/4f ratio lucky man!
but why split them in two groups? don't you think the chance of succesful breeding is higher when you keep them all together? So the males can 'fight' for dominance and the females can choose the best partner?
In the beginning, a bigger group can bee a good idea. But from my experience, if there is many males, thay spend their time fighting, rather than breeding. And from time to time, I've seen that some males doecen't like some females for some reason. I've seen this in Leporacanthicus. Perhaps it's not the same with Hemiancistrus.
But to see how they like each other, I't can be good to have the big group.
I'm not saying it's wrong to have them together, but I will probably do both and see what is best!
I think you have a pair with fish 1 a girl and fish 2 seems to be the boy.
I've never had these though so take my thought here with a grain of salt.
Rohan R