Moving the Fish Room

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by MatsP »

Congrats on a successful move, even if it was not exactly as planned. I always find that some little thing that you thought wouldn't cause any problem at all causes the biggest problems.

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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by krazyGeoff »

Thanks Folks.

Still looking for the camera.

Not out of the woods yet.........
One tank (BN's) has got sick, can't figure it out, Amonia 0, NitrIte 0, NitrAte 20-40 (normal for these tanks), pH 6.4 (on the low end but within tollerance for BN and the same as the other tanks), heaters working, filter working, but about 1/2 the inhabitants are "climbing the wall".

Had 2 water changes now. Readings before changes, NitrAte reduced after changes.

Time without power during the move, about 1 hour......

About 40 deceased now..............
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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by krazyGeoff »

Found the camera....
Temp stand
Temp stand
Looking south from no fish area
Looking south from no fish area
Tanks on far left have been moved here.
Tanks on far left have been moved here.
Can't figure out how to add more than three pics in a go??

Will add some more tomorrow.

Need to sleep.
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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by MatsP »

If you want more than three pics in one post, you need to post them on a photo-website and link to them here. If you attach pictures to your post, the limit is three pictures.

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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by krazyGeoff »

Thanks Mats.

Sorry about the disk space consumption Jools......

Another 20 + deceased this morning, but issue is restricted to the one tank.

More Pics.
Standing at position Z looking at Stand E. F and G removed H on left
Standing at position Z looking at Stand E. F and G removed H on left
Standing at position Z looking at temp stands H and I.  Bottom tank is the one having issues.
Standing at position Z looking at temp stands H and I. Bottom tank is the one having issues.
You will notice a whole lot of writing on the tanks. Because there are so many tanks I need to write information on the tank.
The "EST" information in the top left corner is the date the tank was established.
The big white circle is for my temperature meter to "hit" something.
The white circles is where I position the suction cups for the pump that extracts water during water changes. This gives the correct extraction amount.
The pH optimum for tank is recorded.
The dates on the left middle are the dates I placed a batch of fry out of their breeding cave into that tank. Also recorded there, but out of view, is the tank that the fry came from.
Standing in position A looking north
Standing in position A looking north
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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by krazyGeoff »

Last set for the moment...
Standing at door looking South East.  Furthest tanks are the ones that got stuck in the door.
Standing at door looking South East. Furthest tanks are the ones that got stuck in the door.
Standing in position C looking North East
Standing in position C looking North East
Stand Z in final position
Stand Z in final position
I did not get any more pictures during the move. Will post another one when I have finished putting the wires "away"


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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by krazyGeoff »

Here are the latest pics:
All taken from the north looking south.

The first is Stands Z and D on the right.
The inhabitants of the Z stand (closest on right) are going into the new stands tanks, hence I have not put the filters away properly.
Second are stands W, X, Y on the right.
Last is the area that the new stands will go into.
I have not yet put everything away, because I need the new stands for that (and I am a boy, so cannot see the point of putting everything away if I just need to get it all out and move it again in a couple of weeks :D ). However it is very functional as a work space.

I black out the back of the tanks on the left of the first pictire otherwise all the occupants get a real fright when someone opens the door, and the light floods in.

Also the lights (for humans) in this room are those energy saving ones, so when you turn them on they are quite dim and take a few minutes to warm up and get bright.

New stands should be here about 4th September or so...... :thumbsup:
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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by krazyGeoff »

AT LAST! The new stands have arrived.......
The new tanks are at the LFS, whom I must thank for letting me turn the front floor of the shop into a little "work space" for me to apply the vinal backing to the tanks. I won't have room obviously, to do that at home.

I have decided to only set up one L204 breeding tank, and I'll be using the other 1000x600x450 tank for my L239.

Tanks will be delivered on Sunday, and because the water is already being used, and the filters are already being used I should be able to have the new setups running pretty quickly.

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Re: Moving the Fish Room - Finished

Post by krazyGeoff »

Well at last it is finished!

Here are the new tanks in the new stands:
L142 tank
L142 tank
L239 and L204 tanks
L239 and L204 tanks
All new tanks
All new tanks

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Re: Moving the Fish Room

Post by andywoolloo »

it looks really nice! :thumbsup:
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