Can they live together?

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Can they live together?

Post by Biffy »

Ok we have 3 tanks, had 4 but lost our Big blue guy. We are trying to down size, and the only thing that's stopping us from moving the 3 fish from our 20 gallon tank to our 75 is the Julii Cory. I don't know who he'll get along with. Right now he's with 2 angels and perfectly fine.

So there are 2 places that we can move him, but I'm worried about tank mates.

We have a 10 gallon that has a (Sp C089) at least that's what the picture is I looked up. To me he's just a normal cory, I love him, he's so fun loving, but he's not a Julii, there's 3 neons and 4 zebra's on there. They all seem to be really happy. I don't know if I read/heard/dreamt that you can't put different cory's together, but I'm reading that people do and everything is fine. They are both a bit over a year old.

My 75 gallon tank has 3 angels, 4 gourmi (sp) 4 clown loaches, a LARGE common pleco, a feather-fin synodontis. The pleco is very laid back and never bothers anyone, the feather-fin just cleans and cleans, the loaches well they are just funny, and the gourmi's chase each other and the angels peck at each other too. No one bothers anyone else really, but would the Julii be safe in this tank?

Which tank would he be better in?


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Re: Can they live together?

Post by MatsP »

Loaches do not go well with corys - or maybe I should put that the other way around - the corys can't compete for food, so they slowly starve to death.

And I find it very unlikely that you have Corydoras julii - they are almost certainly . True Julii's are really rare. C. trilineatus on the other hand are frequently bred in Southeast Asia, and sold all over the world.

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Re: Can they live together?

Post by Biffy »

ok I was told that it was a Julii, all I know is that they are 2 different cory's and I want to know if they can be put in the same tank.

So they won't go into the tank with the loaches.

Thanks for the info.

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Re: Can they live together?

Post by MatsP »

Biffy wrote:ok I was told that it was a Julii, all I know is that they are 2 different cory's and I want to know if they can be put in the same tank.
Yes, C. trilineatus is almost always sold as C. julii - so it's not a surprise you didn't know. I just thought you might want to actually know what you have - otherwise, you can keep calling them C. julii as most other people do.

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