Okay, my first little video ever but they're so cute, I had to share.
They're not very feisty because I fed them two minutes earlier when I was pushing the wrong video button...
Turn down the volume, radio in background - haven't figured that part out yet. They don't look this adorable in the Cat-elog pics, they're much nicer in real life!
[Mod edit: Use youtube tags --Mats]
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
Great video. I do this with my mudskippers, too. Youre right, the hoplos are sweet. My is at the bushfish-tank now. In the bamboo tank, he was peacefull, but now he is called Aggrovator.
What are you feeding there, Tubifex?
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I'm feeding them freeze dried brine shrimp. They like the tubifex too and algae tabs that I stick to the glass. Tried some veggie things like cucumber but they ignored it.
I need more plants to make their tank more like home. The danios are going outside to the big pond for the summer next weekend so I'll start putting in a breeding lid after that and see if anyone blows bubbles. They're growing like crazy but still to young to breed I think, none of them have the orange/red pectoral ray. I still can't figure out which is male/female but I need patience
I'll keep my eye on them just in case one wants to turn into Aggrovator
It looks like one of them has become King of the Tank but it's not the big one, it's the lightest coloured one, mid-sized compared with the others. Always first to feed or come see what "The Hand" is doing in the tank. The others hold back and then follow.
I'll try to get a video of them pushing the beech leaves around. Can't tell if they're practicing spawning behavior or just playing
My is at the bushfish-tank now.
What's the bushfish tank?
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
I switched to the url tag because I thought the small picture didn't show their belly colours enough and I didn't want to hog the bandwidth (??) by putting a larger version in the thread.
Thanks, still learning
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
I switched to the url tag because I thought the small picture didn't show their belly colours enough and I didn't want to hog the bandwidth (??) by putting a larger version in the thread.
Thanks, still learning
It is not using PlanetCatifsh bandwidth [1], only YouTube bandwidth, which we can assume that they have plenty of.
[1] Ok, so with my usual technical pedantry: it adds a tiny bit, about 20-40 bytes, extra on top of the regular URL markup that goes into the post with URL tags - but it's so little that we do not need to worry about it.
Hoplos are among my absolute favourite fish- glad you like them too! I like my Callichthys too though, which are like hoplos on speed at feeding time, and so adorable when they sit in a pile- I've never known other fish as happy to be sat on as these.
The bushfish tank includes 6 Ctenopoma weeksi, 2 Ctenopoma acutrirostre, 2 Channa bleheri, 1 Amblydoras hancoki, 1 Banjo Catfish, 6 Glass catfish , 1 Knight goby, 1 Pantodon buchholzi and the Hoplo.
He bites everybody, but the tank is big enough, so they cat go away from him.
here is the tank
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and so adorable when they sit in a pile- I've never known other fish as happy to be sat on as these.
I was just assuming that I didn't have enough plants yet! Mine do this too. Sometimes out in the open, sometimes piled up in a corner in the grass. Freaked me out at first because I could only see one - the others were all underneath! I also like the fact that they seem to have a face with a smile.
Are yours really noisy at night? Had to put this tank in my bedroom and boy are they busy when the light go out!
Nice tank! I like the way the grass makes it look so cave-like and peaceful. Healthy plants, fish must be pretty happy in there.
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
Hi fischkringli,
Looked those up - nice fish, beautiful colours and they stay kind of small I think. The link I went to says 8cm, does that sound right? Do they change colours as they get older? Several pictures of Ctenopoma fasciolatum are there but they're all a little different colouring. Good catch!
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
My Ctenopoma fasciolatum are Var. C (brown). I like them more than the blue ones. All your information are right. Here are pictures. My birthday present.
Here is the male. He has got longer fins than the female.
And the female.
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Thank you, L number Banana. Im the youngest active member? Im surprised.
I tried feeding like you with my "Aggrovator", but he is to shy.
I don't know for sure but most of the regular posters seem to have kids or wives/husbands etc so I think you are the youngest, there may be a younger person registered but they don't actively contribute from what I can tell. I could be wrong
For feeding, try using a small clam with Aggrovator. I tried a tiny clam called a 'pasta clam' because the seafood guy said it was the least salty. They LOVED it and had a bit of a tug of war with it. It also may help to try a few times so he gets used of your hand? When I first got them, they would hide when I put my hand in. The whiskers are very silky. I'm careful not to make any sudden jerky movements. They don't sting each other or the danios so I guess I'm safe.
I want to try something with a little more substance instead of the usual FD brine shrimp or tubifex, they fall apart too fast. I'm thinking maybe I could try your yogurt idea from that article and mix them together and dry it into a stick shape. I'm working alot in the next while and have a big horticulture show coming up so it will have to wait but I'll post pics when I get that idea together.
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
I guess that video is really good, it is nice to letting us see your pets.. You are right the hoplos are sweet... I wish I have those too... Where should I get those fish guys??
I guess that video is really good, it is nice to letting us see your pets.. You are right the hoplos are sweet... I wish I have those too... Where should I get those fish guys??
Hi, they're pretty easy to find in many places. Is your location "Phil" short for Philadelphia, USA? If so, there should be many places you could find these. Click on this (
) and it tells you all about this type of catfish, temperature, food, etc. I've only had them since the middle of April but they're quite active and stay relatively small. The ones in the video aren't full grown yet. They might be named Hoplo Cats at a fish stores.
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
I was at the fish shop yesterday. There was a beginner, who asked the assistant for catfish, that are easy to keep. I only heard. "This syno is very easy". I looked into the tank, but I saw no syno. I asked for the syno and the assistant pointed on a hoplo!!! I said that this is no synodontis, but the assistants opinion was clear, so I used the Mergus atlas. After the proof, tha assistant said something like very similar but I left thoughtfully.
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Frustrating eh? I love it when a shop assistants say, "I'm not sure, let me look that up for you." That's customer service!
I'd still like to kick the person (the shop owner!) that sold me my first Sailfin Mollies. All the info I was given was wrong so when I gave them away, I made it very clear to the potential owner that they would have another 50 in exactly 28 days. They did but at least they were well prepared.
Got a "butterfly pleco" that was a Hillstream Loach . Gave the wonderful darling away so he could be in a bigger river tank with some of his chums. Sad for me because he was the cutest fish I ever owned but the move was good for the fish. Will set up a whole tank just for these guys when I have room.
I've learned to look first, read and buy later...well mostly...just got some glowlight tetras (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) and they are exactly what I needed. Brighter by the day and tight schooling - so far. The only weird thing is that they're top/middle feeders but seem to like to share the shrimp pellets with the corys
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
I got some other experiences: A Schistura robertsi, that was called Stiphodon male
A scat where the assistant says it is a good tankmate for freshwater fish over 3cm
And a Cetopsis, that was called tatia.
I ordered a tank. They said wait one week, I had to wait 2 months.
So I enjoy it, when the service is good.
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In my first video, these guys were about the same size as the danios! Look how huge they are now!
Again, turn off your sound unless you want to listen to two idiots who have no idea how to use the movie function
They're too dark but the first one is long and fuzzy, the second two are short but a bit clearer. I promise to read the manual before I post anymore videos but I just had to show everyone how big they've become since the first video (previous page). I'm separating them this week for baby making!
I just separated them last night. So far the two that have been moved to the big tank are hanging out with a syno! They're certainly not waterfriends in real life but the syno has always been an oddball anyway. Maybe he'll figure out how to come to the surface for food too? They're the same size and roughly the same colour so maybe there's some confusion there on the first day. At least there's no aggression. All three slept together squeezed into a rock crevice. I hope they're not the first ones to lay eggs, the syno would make his true self known I think.
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.