can anyone solve this debate,pardalis,gibbiceps or neither?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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can anyone solve this debate,pardalis,gibbiceps or neither?

Post by jessonthenet »

identify me.jpg
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Re: can anyone solve this debate,pardalis,gibbiceps or neither?

Post by Silurus »

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Re: can anyone solve this debate,pardalis,gibbiceps or neither?

Post by jessonthenet »

Thank you for clearing that one up. :lol:
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Re: can anyone solve this debate,pardalis,gibbiceps or neither?

Post by L number Banana »

Hello Jessonthenet,
Just saw your tank shots, they're beautiful :thumbsup:
Who's the striped black fellow in your picture above?
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Re: can anyone solve this debate,pardalis,gibbiceps or neither?

Post by MatsP »

The fish in the foreground is a Malawi cichlid of some sort. It's not jessonthenet that owns that tank, it's a photo taken from a thread on another forum.

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Re: can anyone solve this debate,pardalis,gibbiceps or neither?

Post by L number Banana »

Oh, thanks, MatsP, I'll check with a cichlid person then. It looks like it might be blue and black - pretty for a non-cat.
I looked at Jessonthenet's My Aquaria and didn't see that fish.
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
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