CorysRUs Grab Bag - Arrived!!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Re: CorysRUs Grab Bag - Arrived!!

Post by ahodge84 »

nvcichlids wrote:Mine are doing great in a mixed tank. I am working on a tank devoted to them, but it is still in the works. Since the move, they have been extremely active during the day and feeding with the rest of the daytime crew. I personally want to get some. T intermedius (sorry for the butcher spelling) to mix in with my current beauties. $70 for 8 to be shipped seems like a good deal.

Awesome! Thanks for the info - Things have been and will continue to be crazy, so I will do what I can to keep in touch. Once I settle in Lincoln (and before school starts), I have a feeling I will be more active on here (and in buying fish!).
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