The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

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The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by sidguppy »

we all know the many many posts about baby Red Tails and TSN's crammed into 75G tanks and all.

we have a sticky, way too many postings about hybrid cats feeding on furniture :lol:

and once in a while a rare fishkeeper sets up a pond to keep his Oxydoras or Pseudoplatystoma in a more roomy way

and then......there are The Germans :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

everyone who knows Top Gear knows about the way Jeremy Clarkson can ramble on about big German cars wich have atombombs under the bonnet instead of proper engines and such

but this, this is something in the same vein.

THIS is one dedicated catfishkeeper. about 6th DAN or something.

the only word that was left in my head after watching the movie was "mindboggling" :beardy:

take the ride.
see for yourself.
and if anyone ever askes again "how do you keep a Red Tail/Oxydoras/TSN the proper way show em these links :thumbsup: ... uarium.wmv ... rum_01.wmv
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by HaakonH »

That is just amazing! If I ever get myself a tank like that (by winning the lottery first) I'll fill it with smaller fish like Apistos, Discus, Plecos, Tetras and so on :D It would be like looking into a small Amazon creek...I wonder why people with magnum tanks always fill them with ditto fish? But I guess that's why they got a tank like that in the first place :lol: Clips like this sure makes my thoughts drift!
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by Acid John »

If I flooded my house and lived in a shed outside looking in through the front window I just might achieve this. :D
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by fischkringli »

Great Tank I saw another film about it at the TV show "Menschen, Tiere und Doktoren"
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by andywoolloo »

just amazing! drooling and envious over here as I watch those videos!

not what I would put inside it if it were me but awesome still the same!! :thumbsup:
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by jerry58 »

Hi sidguppy

Sorry but your link does not work,maybe its me :oops: :?

Thanks Jerry
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by sidguppy »

yup, it's you :lol:

for me the links both work at home in Firefox, running on os Windows XP and using the addon to use flash or using the VLC player

now I'm at work and we have Windows Vista and the mediaplayer 9 or 10 series and it works as well.

maybe the security lebvels are too high or you miss a service pack or addon?
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by Richard B »

this is indeed how big fish should be kept :thumbsup:
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by snowball »

Wow, they are awesome tanks!

My god they are big pacus! :shock:

Would I be correct in guessing those Arrowanas are the South American ones?
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by sidguppy »


these guys are purists, you won't find many German fishkeepers mixing continents, especially not when they are this dedicated.

it's not the way fish are kept over there. in a big LFs showtank, yes, but not often at people's homes.

in a way the Germans are on the very summit of fishkeeping.
the Dutch used to be, but things are degenerating rapidly here.
mixing potamotrygon with frontosa, died Asian Red Dragonfish; it's all the rage.

not many stores in Germany will sell you stuff like that.
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Re: The Germans are at it again: how to keep the Big Cats!

Post by L number Banana »

in a way the Germans are on the very summit of fishkeeping.
In sooo many things. A bit OT but who made solar paint and solar 'tinfoil' and according to the German overnight radio service, If I lived there I could rent a duck to eat the snails out of my garden! If we ever have to move to the moon, we should ask a German to run it all. I know it's a stereotype but my German friends have yet to prove it false. And no, I'm not German, just keep getting impressed all over again. Hope they make an english translation of those vids.
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