L-260, but male or Female???

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L-260, but male or Female???

Post by Kiera »


This is one of my L-260. We always thought it was a male, but recently we got 2 new WF L-260 (male and female) who have a lot more Odontodes than my one, making me think that I do perhaps have a female.
My L-260's all use caves, so I don't know if I can use this criterion to tell if mine are male/female.

Here are some pictures...

L260 OdontodenFin.jpg
L260 OdontodenFin.jpg (66.08 KiB) Viewed 1501 times
L260 Odontoden.jpg
L260 Odontoden.jpg (79.58 KiB) Viewed 1501 times
L260 Bauch.jpg
L260 Bauch.jpg (85.58 KiB) Viewed 1500 times
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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by Kiera »

L260.jpg (85.54 KiB) Viewed 1503 times
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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by husky_jim »

Male i believe... :thumbsup:
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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by nvcichlids »

That is what I was going to say, but I didn't want to be the first :thumbsup:
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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by Kiera »


I wish I had photos of the other male as a comparison, but he won't come out of his hole. His pectoral odontodes are much bushier and he also has longer cheek odontodes...
What makes you so sure the one in the pic is a male? I have also read that it's possible that females have a white stomach, but apparently this isn't 100% the case?

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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by plec0 »

i SAYfemale IMO..not hairy at all. appears a little plump maybe comming into her prime, but this lil lady doesnt have the features my male does, ive got a proven trio and ill take pics to show you i believe you have a female. give it time let other experts on here give their opinions. It took me 8 fish and 6 months later to figure out I only had 2 females in group Also check belly pattern. Males have patterned bellies, females pure white..
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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by apistomaster »

The fish is awfully large for a female L260 and the white belly if far from being the best indicator of sex.
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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by Yann »

the largest spot on this fish is at the interopercular odontodes, which makes it a male without an ounce of hesitation... a female would have its largest spots at the pectoral fin connection

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Re: L-260, but male or Female???

Post by Barbie »

The pectoral rays also thicken and straighten as they get farther from the body, another good sign this is definitely a nice male ;).

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