I am going to pick up a 8" Leiarius pictus and I was wondering. Can I keep it with 2 3" clownknifes and 2 3" firemouths? Or will they end up as lunch? I know Leiarius pictus are lagre and predatory pims but do you think the fish I mentioned would be safe.?
you DO know I hope, that this Pim will reach 2 feet in length, and needs a whopping tank? Adults should be able to tackle fish the size of small trout or adult herring (!!)
Plan B should not automatically be twice as much explosives as Plan A
this has to be my favorit catfish.. i love Leiarius pictus.
my 26 incher is amazing..
good luck feeding him.. they eat soooooo much.. a cheap way to feed is choped up Turky Dogs. they are cheap and the fish like them alot.. and they arnt as fatty as Hot dogs..
I have a 2 foot + leiarius pictus living with a clarias batrachus. They make wonderful pets if you have the space for them. I used to feed him once a week but he only gets fed once a month now he's bigger. He gets fed prawns,trout pellets, minced beef, liver, lamb etc. Its true that they eat a lot but I don't feed him till he doesn't want any more otherwise he regurgitates most of it and it makes a terrible mess in the tank. That is the only problem with them, they will gorge themselves on food and then regurgitate most of it back up. He occasionally divebombs the clarias but the clarias is a lot more agile than him and is also big enough to not become lunch.
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice" H.P. Baxxter