please help ID this fish! :)

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please help ID this fish! :)

Post by malaikah »

hello there everyone!

can anybody help ID this catfish?

they were sold under the name synodontis petricola, but i don't believe they are. the main clue to this are the fins, which have spots as opposed to solid colour on them.

they are around 2" at the moment. they don't seem to be very sociable, in fact appear more to dislike each others company.

base colour is a silvery-to-brown colour which is brown in some light (as per the photos).

i'd be really grateful if people could help. i need to know they are safe to keep in with my neolamprologus multifasciatus. also just to know what they are, where they are from, sizes etc etc!

i hope the pictures are clear enough to show the fish.


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Post by Silurus »

I believe you have S. njassae, which comes from Lake Malawi.
Not a bad find, considering that they are harder to come by than S. petricola.
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Post by Dinyar »

Unlikely to be a S. petricola, but I don't know what it is. S. njassae is a possibility, but it's hard to be sure.

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Post by DeLBoD »

I think HH could be right. I thought I had S.najassae, but after finding pictures on the web the difference is, a flatter head and the eyes seem to be looking up more if thatâ??s the right way to put it ..
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Post by Loricariidae Wholesales »

It looks to me like the Czech Republic fish that they sell as S. petricola. If you think that is odd you should see the three different species of S. multipunctatus non of which are. I don't believe there are so many new species in the Czech Republic. Are they hybrids?
The Tropicalfish Co. UK
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Post by Dinyar »

Yes, most appear to be, probably including this fish.

These unscrupulous breeders deserve to be crossbred with lower life forms themselves.

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Post by malaikah »

you think this might be a czech fish being sold as an african??!
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Post by Silurus »

Not exactly. They think it's a hybrid bred in the Czech Republic, which is notorious for this practicve (search the forums for "czech" and you will see this topic being discussed a few times).
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Post by mathieu »

It's exactly like my catfish!
We had a long discussion about my fish in a thread a while ago:

Maybe it helps, or perhaps it gets more confusing now.... :wink:
Other name mentioned in this thread was: S. Rebelli

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Re: please help ID this fish! :)

Post by mathieu »

malaikah wrote:hello there everyone!
i'd be really grateful if people could help. i need to know they are safe to keep in with my neolamprologus multifasciatus. also just to know what they are, where they are from, sizes etc etc!
To answer your questions: (assuming it's the same syno as mine)
I had these fish with n. brevis. Sometimes they pass by the shells, just "sniffing" around. The brevis just attacks them, syno won't fight back and just ignores it. Sometimes they are fighting with eachother, that's why I had to put they in a larger aquarium (> 150 l). But they will go along with the multis too I guess.
Mine are now 10 and 12 cm's (4 and 5 inch) don't know if they become much larger.

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