Labeled as L056 Chubby pleco,(?)

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Labeled as L056 Chubby pleco,(?)

Post by nvcichlids »

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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by pleco_breeder »

The pic looks like L56 to me.

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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by kwalker »

in this case i would agree that this is L-056. this is a common import into the US and is on almost all current import list. :D
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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by nvcichlids »

Thanks guys, I thought so too, but the coloring just seemed off to me ( I know they go through color morphs, but that one is kakahi colored rather than gold or black.)

In your opinion, decent fish to keep?
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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by kwalker »

nvcichlids wrote:
In your opinion, decent fish to keep?

my personal opinion is yes. i'm not aware of anyone trying to breed this fish in the US would be nice if someone started to work with them.
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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by nvcichlids »

just want to make sure, your 100% sure it is the L56?
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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by pleco_breeder »

I had given consideration to keeping them till I saw a big one. Regardless of what I read in books/online, they get massive. Saw one come in, one to a box, at 10 inches and was bigger than I would've advised for a 6 foot tank. They may spawn at smaller sizes, but full grown adults are nothing less than huge.

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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by Borbi »

Hi all,

..just wanted to play the nitpicker again:
The fish in question is Parancistrus aurantiacus. This one has nothing to do with L 56, that would be a Guyanancistrus sp. (or probably a Hemiancistrus of some kind if you don´t like the genus Guyanancistrus).

Although, for some reason, the Parancistrus aurantiacus has been termed "L 56" for so long that it (unfortunately, IMHO) has made most people forget what the real L 56 is.
I believe that´s because the exporters just needed an L-Number, because that makes the fish more interesting.

Cheers, Sandor
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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by grokefish »

Deffinately parancistrus .
No doubt about it.
Absolutely fabulous fishys to keep, but don't expect them to come out much, and give them loadsand loads of oxygen.
This is from someone that collects parancistrus.
By the way it's not aurantiacus, I think it's probably L332.

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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by nvcichlids »

grokefish wrote: but don't expect them to come out much, and give them loadsand loads of oxygen.
This is from someone that collects parancistrus.
By the way it's not aurantiacus, I think it's probably L332.

How much oxygen do you mean by that? tank turn over how many times per hour (10-12 or more?)

I would agree, it looks more L332 ish to me as well. I was hoping to keep them in a taller tank rather than a longer, would that be an issue with this species?

Oh one more thing Matt, would you recommend this fish, or the ? This will be my first experience with parancistrus, and would prefer an easier fish to keep :thumbsup:
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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by Borbi »

Hi Matt,

..could you please elaborate a bit why you think that it´s L 332 and not aurantiacus?
I seem to see a collection of yellowish markings covering the snout. IMHO, that would make the pictured fish an aurantiacus, while L 332 should be completely grey in colour (with white margins in caudal and dorsal), that should have grown out if that fish is as big as it seems (it certainly does not look like 5-6 cm). But, again, I would not expect to see any discernible colouration on it.

Cheers, Sandor
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Re: Labeled as L056 Chubby pl*co,(?)

Post by grokefish »

Aurantiacus are excellent comedy fish. I have a largish one in a 4ftx2ft wide x 18 high tank with a fluval fx16 or whatever the giant fluval is with a small power head as well and a large pond pump with big ball pond air stones and he still respires at quite a rate.
The nudiventris do not respire so much in the same tank, think chaetostoma type oxygen levels.
Nudiventris are much smaller long term and less shy.
Use a blue fluro tube in the night and they will come out and scoot about.
Keep them in larger numbers or with similar sized spotty spectracanthicus, opal plecs or oligancistrus (Which are far bolder) and they will come out even in the day.
Distinguishing if your "peppermint plec" is a parancistrus is the hradest part.

I think that it is L332 solely due to a gut feeling acquired from having kept Parancistrus Aurantiacus on several occasions during my lifetime.
I could be wrong.
I have yet to see a parancistrus that is gold in a fish tank by the way, even when you get them gold they soon revert to the other colour patern.
I think the gold colour has a lot to do with breeding which may come with ideal conditions.
I am still searching for these ideal conditions.

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