how big before you show a gold nugget?

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how big before you show a gold nugget?

Post by somefinfishy »

I have this guy and the fish show is next week.
it is just a hair over 5" now.The photo is a year old.
Is he ready? i have a extra tank.also help me confirm its a L018
Any advise on getting a pleco to show well?

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Re: how big before you show a gold nugget?

Post by Rohan Richardson »

Looks like an eighty five so you're safe there and 5' tl is large enough just don't shock him too much though and you should be ok. Rohan R ps. good looking fish you should do nicely.
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Re: how big before you show a gold nugget?

Post by MatsP »

The fish has relatively big spots and a triangular shape band on the dorsal and caudal fin, so yes, I'd say it is L18/L85 (they are the same species, just different age/size).

At what size do you "show" a fish? Depends on what your goal is, and what other people bring, and how the judging rules works for that particular show. The only show I've ever been to, the size of the fish in relation to it's ultimate size was a fair part of the score (20% or so), and to get a prize in most categories you had to get above 85%. Since the full-grown size of L18 is 355mm, it would only score about 30% at a size of 125mm.

But I'm sure it depends on what else is in the competition, and it may be that the scoring works differently in the show you are entering.

Assuming you can keep the fish reasonably unstressed, I'd say there's no harm in entering.

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Re: how big before you show a gold nugget?

Post by somefinfishy »

I'm a multi species fish breeder.Who ships fish all over.
I will be very carefull moveing it. normaly I take at least 5 gallons of its tank water to the 10gallon show tank. and no food to foul the un-under cycled tank out.
This is a unusualy shy pleco nothing seems to effect his popsture or color but he does not like to be seen.I'm not sure how I will set up the tank yet.
I like my goldy the best but I do have some full adult clown plecos 6yrs in my tanks that would show well.
i thought about showwing my 4"vampire pleco but i think one more year for him.

Last year I took a first place for a playfull group of sidthimunki loaches. BTW one of my favorite fish EVER!!!

Always remember judging is subjective.

For past two years, this is what judges are given. 2009 maybe different
Health and Condition score ¬¬¬_______/ 40 pts
– award a maximum of 40 points
– is body length, width and height in correct proportion?
– deduct points for small size based on wild type or tank strain sizes
– extra points for aquarium sized fish larger than wild type are discouraged
– deduct for scars, split fins or torn fins
– fish without fins should be scored based on other notable features used in place of fins
– disqualify entry if any deformities are noted

Color and Markings score _______/ 20 pts
- award a maximum of 20 points
- deduct for color deviation from wild type
- tank strain (and hybrid) classes, the entire 20 pts is sole discretion of judge

Deportment score _______/ 20 pts
- award a maximum of 20 pts
- judges may stir the fish from a resting spot using sticks provided
- deduct for fish unwilling to swim
- deduct for fish with clamped fins
- deduct for fish displaying avoidance behavior

Judge’s discretion score _______/ 20 pts
- award a maximum of 20 pts
- fish that are difficult to show may be awarded pts here
- fish that are difficult to raise may be awarded pts here
- fish that are breeding may be awarded pts here
- any other factor that deserves additional pts
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