how to bring down tank temperature?

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how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by squid »


Need tips on how to bring down cory tank temp, its summer time here again, and my tanks are getting warm, I'm not sure of the exact temperature, but will be getting some thermometers later.
any suggestions/tips on how to keep my tanks cool ?, room temperature is quite wamr, so the water is also getting warm, i'm worried about my cories.

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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by andywoolloo »

What I do cause it get's hot here in summer even with the A/C on we have made screen tops for all the tanks. It's wood from the nursery dept at the local Lowes or Home Dept. Like garden stakes. That's the long bits. In the middle is hard green coated wire mesh that has small squares in it. This is cut to fit between the stakes. It is attached to the stake with black hard plastic zip tie fasteners, that the ends are then cut off of. The kind that slide down and lock on, like flexicuffs the police use almost in like riot situations. I have them all for each size tank. They fit snug and tight onto the tank lid where you lift the glass up. If you have those kinds of tank tops.

Also once you do that an over head fan in the room helps alot.

Some people also float frozen water bottles in their tanks. I haven't tried that yet. The garden stake and coated wire mesh work great for me.
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by L number Banana »

I've heard of people hooking up the little el cheapo computer fans at the end of their tank. They're light and cheap at any electronics store. Air blowing across the water has a cooling effect but I don't know if it would be enough. Worth a try, it works for cool growing orchids.
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by squid »

thanks. i've already removed the glass cover for my tanks, currently looking for a computer cooler . will post updates.
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by squid »

Just got the thermometers, checked my cory tank and it was already at 33 deg C !! :!: :shock: , I bought some insulating foil and covered the window.
Hope this will bring down the temperature .

I also made a 50% water change, and dropped some ice cubes in my tank. was able to bring down the temperature upto 30deg. not sure if the thermometer is accurate, but 2 thermometers show the same reading :(

I'm also currently looking for some blower for my tank.
btw can i use this fan instead of small blowers?

also which would be better blowing it in surface of the tank? or around the room?
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by corywink »

They do make aquarium fans that attach to the top rim of your tank. They aren't very expensive if you don't want to DIY a computer fan.

Rather then putting ice cubes into the tank, most people float a frozen bottle of water in their tanks. This process last longer then ice cubes and you don't have to worry about the contents dissolving into your tank water.

Of course if money is not an issue, you can always buy an aquarium cooler. I've also seen DIY versions using an aquarium pump and long hoses run through a small fridge.
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by squid »

thanks. i've placed 1 liter ice bottle inside my tank, so far it was able to lower the temperatre a little :D
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by Bas Pels »

A totally other option could be to put the filter into a dedicated fridge (kooling devi ce) with long tubes

The water in the filter will cool down, and this will cool the tank. I am however afraid this is quite costly
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by squid »

i have added a 1.5l bottle so far after the ice melted the temperature only went down .3 deg celcius how xo i know if fhey are stressed? their appettite are reAly good ams breathing doesnt seem to be fast? cant use airhose sine the fridge is reAlly far from my tanks current tank temp is at 29.2 deg c

i'be bought a fan but still have not been able to setup in my tank.
my tank has really good surface agitation .
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by skaskankerbr »

corys have the ability to live in warmer water of up to 90 degrees F is necessary ( for short periods of time).
to help cool my tanks in the Louisiana summer ( which is btw over 100 degrees at times) I remove the lids of the tanks replace them with wire mess to stop jumpers and escapees. Then i'll put ice on the wire several times a week just a few hand full will do it. As the ice melts the colder water slowly cools the tank. Dumping the ice straight risks forming cold patches of water in your tank that can and will cause stress to most fish. I also block as much sunlight as possible from the tank. If needed you can construct something to block the light.
If your tank is getting as high as 91 degrees thats obviously a serious problem. Far greater than mine. It might be necessary to shell out the 200-400$ for a chiller. But hey that's the expensive way. I'd rather get some isolating foam and spray the sides of the tank with it then pay 400 for a water cooling device. :lol:
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by squid »

thanks. I'm only able to bring down .3 - .5 deg celcius with addition of 1.5 liter bottle ice. can i add a gallon to lower it more?

Can't afford a chiller :(
i covered up the window a few days ago. my dad is really stubborn and removed the insulation :(
so have to add ice and add a fan. hope i can bring down the temperature.
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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by MatsP »

Of course you can add more ice - either multiple bottles or a bigger bottle.

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Re: how to bring down tank temperature?

Post by squid »

MatsP wrote:Of course you can add more ice - either multiple bottles or a bigger bottle.


thanks mats, will use 2 bottles together tomorrow :D really worried about my tanks temp. wish i can add chiller :(
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