Bristlenose not sucking!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Bristlenose not sucking!

Post by mrsmcdonald2b »

Hi guys,
We have a Bristle Nosed Catfish who is acting a little strangely - we spotted him just now not actually sucking onto anything. Is this normal? Is he ok or is this like we assume and a sign that he's on his way out? I really hope not, I'm quite attached to him!! All that we have in the tank with him are 3 neons and about 8 small guppies and all the others seem fine.
Any suggestions greatly received
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Re: Bristlenose not sucking!

Post by corydoras »

My adults frequently lay upside down under filters or wood but not attached by their mouths. They actually lay on the gravel on their backs.

Perfectly normal behaviour as far as I am concerned and nothing to worry about.


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Re: Bristlenose not sucking!

Post by andywoolloo »

mine are not always attached either, sometimes they all line up on the sand facing the front staring at me waiting for me to give them food. it's a little unnerving. :lol:
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Re: Bristlenose not sucking!

Post by mrsmcdonald2b »

Thanks for the info - just freaked us out cos we'd never seen him act like that before!
He always seemed 'frenzied' when not sucking onto something before so we instantly worried.
Thanks again

Mod edit: Moved to Loricariidae section. Should really merge it to the OTHER post on the same subject, but I guess it's not going to make much difference -- Mats
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