Is he sick?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Is he sick?

Post by mrsmcdonald2b »

Hi guys,
We have a Bristle Nosed Catfish who is acting a little strangely - we spotted him just now not actually sucking onto anything. Is this normal? Is he ok or is this like we assume and a sign that he's on his way out? I really hope not, I'm quite attached to him!! All that we have in the tank with him are 3 neons and about 8 small guppies and all the others seem fine.
Any suggestions greatly received :-)
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Re: Is he sick?

Post by MatsP »

It is "normal" if you mean that the fish is sitting under something and seems to have "fallen of" - they do that when they are relaxed.

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Re: Is he sick?

Post by mrsmcdonald2b »

I'm not sure... We first noticed when he was leaning back in an upright position about a cm away from where he would normally be sucking onto but with no contact.
We feed flakes and bloodworm - is there anything else we should be feeding?
Temperature in tank is about 24-25degrees C
We do a 20% water change every couple of weeks
Levels in water test fine
Would the only reason be him "relaxing" or could there be something else?
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Re: Is he sick?

Post by Birger »

I'm not sure... We first noticed when he was leaning back in an upright position about a cm away from where he would normally be sucking onto but with no contact.
As Mats said this is quite often a sign of a bristlenose which feels comfortable in it's environment.
We feed flakes and bloodworm - is there anything else we should be feeding?
It could use some vegetable material in it's diet see ... cle_id=294

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