L95 or L152?

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L95 or L152?

Post by Peanut_Power »

These guys were supposed to come in as L-95, but the guy that got them is not quite sure. He thinks they might be L-152 or some other closely related species.

There is faint orange on the dorsal, caudual, and on the pectoral fins. Makes a stronger case for L-95, plus I can see some spotting on the pectoral fins. I don't see any orange around the cheeks though, nor any spotting along the body.

What say you guys?
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Re: L95 or L152?

Post by Borbi »


I´d say L 152. They have orange margins in dorsal and caudal fins, but no clearly discernible spots (neither on the body nor the fins). That´s what I take as differenciating characteristic.
Certainly no L 95 for me.

Cheers, Sandor
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Re: L95 or L152?

Post by Dave Rinaldo »

Here is another thread on this topic.
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