Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

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Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »


[Begin Mod Edit: Added quotes]
chalkvandam wrote:hi all, just joined the site, could anyone tell me how to put my cats on my page.
loachy_406 wrote:Welcome to PlanetCatfish. :D On your My Aquaria page you can enter your tank details and a picture, and say which species are kept in there.
[End Mode edit quotes]

I get asked this and similar questions from time to time. So I thought about writing a user guide for the whole site. Nothing enormous, just a good intro to everything. Then I thought that it would be better if someone else or several others (perhaps a feature each) or something would be better as then I could see how others interpret the site.

The thing could be constructed as a forum post and the added to the site as a sticky or perhaps just as a linked article somewhere. Maybe even the FAQ which perhaps also needs some attention from me.

What does everyone think?


Mod Edit: I decided to split this from the "I'm new here" post in ... =2&t=23794
It is a tad disjointed as it is, but I think it makes sense. I added the quote above to make it easier to follow.

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Re: my cats?

Post by loachy_406 »

Sounds good. You would need to make it obvious where it is though, otherwise people will still ask us questions like 'Why the stars in c*****d?' because they haven't found the all-conquering article :wink:.
Before you actually make it into an article you could post it and have people suggest things that might need changing, before it is 'published'.
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Re: my cats?

Post by Jools »

Hi Aled,

I was thinking of someone else or several folks writing it. That way, I get to see other folks untutored view of how the site works. I agree it's ultimate location is important, but that's a thing to worry about once it is written...

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Re: my cats?

Post by loachy_406 »

I didn't write it very clearly, but I meant that when you have pieced together all the sections written by various people, (before you actually add it to the site as an article) you could post it, and have other members suggest things that might need changing, before it is 'published'.
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Re: my cats?

Post by Birger »

I just about overlooked this....PC is abut due for what you have suggested.
I would think an expansion of the FAQ and making it more noticeable for new people to see/find would be a big help for both new posters and for those that answer these type of questions on a regular basis.

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Re: my cats?

Post by MatsP »

I have access to the FAQ, so if there is any particular questions you want added/changed, please say so in the "Site suggestions and Bugs" forum.

I do not have access to the overall layout/formatting of the site, so that's a different topic that also should be posted in the "Site suggestions and bugs" - but in a separate topic (assuming you have some sort of constructive suggestion rather than "it needs to be better, but I don't know how", as I think Jools does think about those things as best he can - although I guess pointing out that something needs improving even without suggestions could be done, it makes life MUCH easier if there is a suggestion of what needs to be done to make it better).

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Re: my cats?

Post by Jools »

Birger wrote:I just about overlooked this....PC is abut due for what you have suggested.
I would think an expansion of the FAQ and making it more noticeable for new people to see/find would be a big help for both new posters and for those that answer these type of questions on a regular basis.

Why did you "just about" overlook it? I am curious.

What I could also do is make it a top level item in the site menu and perhaps also make it sometimes appear in place of the latest forum posts. e.g. Last x FAQ entries read.

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by MatsP »

As stated in the top of this thread, I split this from the original thread. I'm thinking we should discuss the development of a "Quick-start guide" or "How to get the best out of your membership on Planet Catfish" or whatever it should be called.

Here are some of the things it should cover:
- How to use My Cats, My Aquaria.
- How to search in the Cat-eLog (covering all 4 (or more?) different options)
- How to ask "Smart" questions in the Forum
[A'la: - although a lot shorter and perhaps a bit more polite].
- How to post links to the Cat-eLog.
- How to post pictures.
- When to use Private Messages.

Anyone else have any ideas?

[Also, should we move this to Site Suggestions & Bugs, or keep it here?

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »

I'd move it to site suggestions, but maybe what is needed there is working copy. I see my question about the FAQ wasn't answered. Anyone think I need to change the "Help!" top level menu option above to make the FAQ more readily visible?

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Martin S »

Jools wrote:Anyone think I need to change the "Help!" top level menu option above to make the FAQ more readily visible?
Yes, i do - i just looked at the forum and it took me a bit to find the FAQ link. It gets mentioned in lost of posts when users are asking about 'cichlids' and 'pleco', but is not obvious.
I think you already suggested it, but what about movint it to a top level sub-forum above identification with a single FAQs entry?
Sorry, awful attempt and ignore the repeating but hope you can see what I mean
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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »


Your post underlines the problem. That's not the FAQ we're talking about! Check out the FAQ link under the "Help!" top level menu (just to the right of "cool stuff" and "search"). See what I mean........

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Birger »

Why did you "just about" overlook it? I am curious.
Sometimes when in a rush or it is late I just go to the posts that pique my attention instead of going through all of them...thats all
Anyone think I need to change the "Help!" top level menu option above to make the FAQ more readily visible?
Now that I have thought about this the FAQ are not too bad, there are always things that could be changed but it is getting people to notice where they are that is the problem(for lack of a better word) I think it would help to change it to be more noticeable or maybe a different title, I know there were times when I must have been in a daze and ended up kind of looking around for it myself so I could send someone there in post.

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Martin S »

Jools wrote:Martin,

Your post underlines the problem. That's not the FAQ we're talking about! Check out the FAQ link under the "Help!" top level menu (just to the right of "cool stuff" and "search"). See what I mean........

OK, yes I see it now... :oops:
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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »


Don't be embarrassed, it's bad site design at fault...

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »

Just thought I should resurrect this - any volunteers???

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by MatsP »

I'm happy to volunteer on the usual basis: No time limit, and no promise to actually deliver :)

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »

Happy also with that arrangement which also includes me passing it on to someone else later on if too much time passes - and I really mean quite a lot of time!

What's the delivery mechanism for this? A general section article supplied to me s a word document? Multiple FAQ entries, or what?

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by MatsP »

Good question - I'm not even sure what the "deliverable" is - as there is quite a bit of POTENTIAL, but not quite sure what we want to actually get as a "ultimate result".

A small document that links to other places to get help (e.g. the FAQ, Search facility, beginners guides to water chemistry, some articles about catfishes, anatomy page, and so on) may be a good idea.

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »

OK, then make the "deliverable" a word document that I will make a general article and weave it into the site so it should be hard to miss. I think it's general format should be as above and each section augmented with links to other parts of the site as you sugges
t and if appropriate.

I may even change the forum registration email to make mention of the article. It could be used as a "read this 1st" type thing.

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »

* bump *

Anyone else aside from Mats (he's far too busy with other updates!!!) want to have a crack at this? Deadline CSG convention so we can discuss it?

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by MatsP »

I started a few days ago on the train on the way to work (aside from a couple of posts that I should copy'n'paste).

But if anyone want to share the burden and is OK with using something like Google Docs, then I'd be happy to share it.

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by L number Banana »

MatsP wrote:
...- How to ask "Smart" questions in the Forum
[A'la: - although a lot shorter and perhaps a bit more polite].
Yes that was a brutal page, please don't copy it at all. Even the title is an insult because it assumes that people are going to ask a 'stupid question'. Maybe we all do from time to time but courtesy should rule. I like your other suggestions for headings though.

I think some FAQ can be blurry because they're not specific enough, i.e., is it about catfish, posting, how-to set up a tank, what???
I like the part in the title that emphasizes that it's a guide to Planet Catfish, maybe the "beginners guide.." or Getting Started on PC etc"

There's room for another tab, maybe in between 'Home' and 'CotM'. Someone could check to see what page or type of page is usually the first visited and make sure it's on one of the pages that's got the link. I got here by clicking on a link that took me directly to a species page, don't think I looked at the home page for ages.

I'll help if I can BE of help. I'm pretty good at catching all the spelling errors in the articles but am a little weary of pointing them out - don't want to be a nag. :oops: I know I use the Canadian spelling for lots of things but I have no problem switching to the English or US when that's what's used elsewhere on the site.

I can send a load of newbie questions just by looking through all my posts - would that help? I have had tons of site specific questions and ones that need to be in the catfish specific FAQ.
I can reword questions that are a little too posh or use double negatives, I think we've got a lot of those here. Don't know if you guys would like that kind of help but sometimes a newbie can tell what another newbie will understand.

For Site specific, please post how to about putting a link up without the whole www.blahblah and using a word instead like Here
See? doesn't work because I forgot how to do that.
How to find site suggestions and bugs. I could never find that until I went to the home page, the drop down menu only has 'report bugs'.
How do I find more smileys?
How do I find "unanswered posts" and "active topics", need to sign in.
Common abbreviations like LFS.
What does that [*] actually do.
Why can't I type a proper catfish name into the quick find?

For a Catfish FAQ:

We need some better anatomy pics too. I think that could be a sub-section in itself - do catfish have ears? Where and what do they use them for? Whiskers? What for, etc. Some of these type questions may have to have a link to the scientific article. i.e., swimming upside down.

Medications would be another good title. I know we don't all have access to the same meds but just a quick primer of how most people here feel about certain meds or situations. Something like a Q&A of the main people here like, When to reach for the meds? Larry, MatsP, etc etc. These type of explanations seem more credible than a blanket statement. Perhaps a little blurb about what certain meds do, like wipe out your filter bacteria. Another repeat of the scaleless caution never hurts either.

Catfish stings
"pregnant" catfish

Okay I'm getting a brain cramp, too many ideas and I don't know if I can help with this or I'm just giving you guys more work.
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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by MatsP »

L number Banana wrote:MatsP wrote:
...- How to ask "Smart" questions in the Forum
[A'la: - although a lot shorter and perhaps a bit more polite].
Yes that was a brutal page, please don't copy it at all. Even the title is an insult because it assumes that people are going to ask a 'stupid question'. Maybe we all do from time to time but courtesy should rule. I like your other suggestions for headings though.
No, I definitely wouldn't copy all of that. But we do get people who post some sort of statement like "I'm going to buy X" (usually much longer and less clear, tho'), which is a statement. And then two days later, a "Why hasn't anyone commented?" - well, doh, if you don't ask something [and make it CLEAR], then what do you expect...
I think some FAQ can be blurry because they're not specific enough, i.e., is it about catfish, posting, how-to set up a tank, what???
I like the part in the title that emphasizes that it's a guide to Planet Catfish, maybe the "beginners guide.." or Getting Started on PC etc"
The FAQ isn't great - and it's hard to find. But I'm not actually after replacing the FAQ (at least not in this particular project), but to help people find out how to help themselves. Finding their way to the FAQ for example.

I've skipped the rest of it for now... Got to go to work...

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by andywoolloo »

this is a great idea as I was wanting to ask a similar question but I knew it was "dumb" and didn't wanna post it then didn't wanna bother someone in a p.m. , yet I couldn't fingure it out, so yes I am for a more involved/expansive help section.

:oops: My question was going to be how come I cannot add another pl*co type to a my tanks and occupants area. But I knew the answer was on here somewhere and I was just going to keep looking when I had time. What I need to do is update my aquaria and my species but I haven't been able to . Stupid huh? Since I originally did it once upon a time. :oops: Every time I try to add a diff kind it deletes the original kind. Which in some instances is still in the tank. :oops:
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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by MatsP »

andywoolloo wrote:this is a great idea as I was wanting to ask a similar question but I knew it was "dumb" and didn't wanna post it then didn't wanna bother someone in a p.m. , yet I couldn't fingure it out, so yes I am for a more involved/expansive help section.

:oops: My question was going to be how come I cannot add another pl*co type to a my tanks and occupants area. But I knew the answer was on here somewhere and I was just going to keep looking when I had time. What I need to do is update my aquaria and my species but I haven't been able to . Stupid huh? Since I originally did it once upon a time. :oops: Every time I try to add a diff kind it deletes the original kind. Which in some instances is still in the tank. :oops:
There should be no other species being deleted or some such when you add a species to your "my cats" or "my aquaria". I suggest you add a new thread in this "bugs" forum, and explain each step of what you are doing, and explain what you expect to have happen, and how that is different from what ACTUALLY happens.

And just to be clear, I don't think there are stupid questions, and I don't think users are stupid. But sometimes we get situations where one persons expectations don't match someone elses. And the "asking questions in a smart way" is more about how to make sure that you get the best out of someone who can explain something to you (such as making very clear what your actual question is). [And yes, that link is probably not suitable for this forum - but there are some elements in it that I'd like to capture in the "Beginners guide to Planet Catfish".

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by andywoolloo »

ok, I will start a new thread on my days off and do what you said. thanks.
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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by L number Banana »

Hi Andywoolloo, I've done that before wrt adding species. I looked all over the My Aquaria and My Cats etc but it's on the species page!

Go to the species page of the cat in question and there's a link just after the scientific name that says Add This Species to your 'My Cats' page. From there it takes you to the page where you can decide which tank and add the info wrt gender etc.

If you do it from the My Aquaria page or the My Cats page it only removes the cat. Done that too :oops:
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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by MatsP »

L number Banana wrote:If you do it from the My Aquaria page or the My Cats page it only removes the cat. Done that too :oops:
What exactly do you do to "remove" the cat via the My Cats page?

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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by andywoolloo »

oh that's right! (slapping forehead with palm of hand) it's the species page add to my cats to add. That's right, thanks.

and yes so then I can only remove from the my aquaria and add from the cat species page. I will try that.
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Re: Howto/Users/Beginners guide to Planet Catfish.

Post by Jools »

Should we remove the FAQ and/or replace it? I am reading in this that it's not used much.

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