help with my Albino

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help with my Albino

Post by bigclube »

hey it normal for my albino cory to swim to the surface and just make bubbles? I have a 20 gallon tank and sometimes the albino would just swim to the top and stay there for about 15 seconds breathing or making bubbles.

I'm thinking this isn't healthy for him cause he's a bottom feeder. In my tank is 5 panda's and they don't do that so..any help or suggestions?
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Post by Crissytal »

I think that behavior is normal in Albino Cories. I have 2 and they are always darting up to the top to get air. They swallow air bubbles that help in their digestion. I think the Albinos go to the top more than most Cories.
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Post by Yann »


Does your Cory breathe heavily, does he have some red marked any where?
Have you check the water parameters?
Cory go sometimes at the surface to glup some air but they hardly saty more than 1 seconds I would say the behavior you are describing is not normal.
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Post by Kostas »

When Corydoras are healthy they have a body sheen which they lose when they become sick.
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Post by Caol_ila »


Since i dont have any other freeswimmers in the tank its quite usual for my C. spp to go to the surface and feed there...15 secs in the air breathing process is much too long imho
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