Two cories to ID

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Two cories to ID

Post by skaskankerbr »

Need some help Iding these 2 cories. Group A and Fish B
Picture time who hoo I used a professional camera with super macro and a specific aquarium scene option you will thank me for picture quality. =]

This is Group A and the surviving albino

This is fish B and his messed up tail =[

back picture of group A

Tail damage on fish B

Random awesome pictures of my tank and the ghost shrimp

All pictures are not to be used without my expressed permission of me, Justin Kutz.
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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by skaskankerbr »

hmm like 40 veiws , but nobody can id them rofl now you guys know how i feel. They look like 9 different cories rofl. I think they might be a hybrid species.
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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by MatsP »

I doubt they are hybrids - it's possible to hybridize corys, but I have yet to see any posts about ones that are hybrids for sale. There are two hybrids listed in the Cat-eLog, but neither look anything like yours. Since most corys are relatively easy to breed naturally, there is less incentive to try to mix up the species like they do with Synos - the main reason Synos are getting hybridized is the difficulty in breeding some of the species.

I'm not very good with corys - there are too many that I haven't seen in real life and there are many very similar species.

Fish A's photo isn't very good, because we can't see the pattern in the dorsal fin - If it's got a blotch in it, it's likely to be .
A possible candidate for your "Fish B" is .

But those are just identifying by picture/Cat-eLog and Ian Fuller & H-G Evers book on identifying these fish, and with no personal knowledge of either of the species.

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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by skaskankerbr »

hmm neither of those look like them since fish b doesn't really have spots its more like lines. Group a has a line black blotch below its dorsal fin and a line up the fin of black. It varies with each of the fish in the school however.
well i can narrow it down to one of these
It was sold to me as this
Fish B looks like this
Fish group A looks like this

others it could be
maybe these

the pictures are contraditory in this species mine look like the third pic

look like the first picture ,but not those other 2

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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by skaskankerbr »

well after staring at pictures on google for about 3 billion hours ive conclude they are either or
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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by MatsP »

Note that the difference between C. brevirostris, C. delphax and C. melanistus is the tail pattern:
- no spots/stripes: C. melanistus
- spots: C. delphax
- stripes: C. brevirostris.

C. blochi has a pointed nose, which I don't think yours have, so that's probably not the species.

C003 is similar, but slightly darker body colouration, so I don't think so.
C103 has too big spots.
CW001 is another possible candidate.

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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by Coryman »

Group A in my opinion shows C. delphax.
Fish B looks very much like a C. brevirostris that is a little off colour.

Some of the other options that have been muted = C. punctatus, this is a smalish species from Suriname and is a vary rare fish in the hobby.
C. blochi is a long snouted species and is also quite rare in the hobby.

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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by skaskankerbr »

So our possiblites are
Corydoras Delphax possibly
Corydoras Brevirostris possibly
CW001 not sure on this one i can't find any good pictures
I ruled out Corydoras melanistius because of lack of pattern on tail.

I can get a good picture of the tail and the top fin tomarrow. maybe...
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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by Coryman »

You can rule out CW001, this is a small fish, which is totally different in body shape from the fish in your picture.


Image courtesy Ian Fuller &
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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by MatsP »

Note also that what Ian doesn't know about corys is either REALLY obscure, or not worth knowing. And he is the one that decided that cw001 is different than C. delphax/brevirostris etc and assigned it "CorydorasWorld 001". So if he can't tell the difference, I don't think anyone can.

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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by skaskankerbr »

MatsP wrote:Note also that what Ian doesn't know about corys is either REALLY obscure, or not worth knowing. And he is the one that decided that cw001 is different than C. delphax/brevirostris etc and assigned it "CorydorasWorld 001". So if he can't tell the difference, I don't think anyone can.

What? your wordings kind of weird.. Mind rephrasing?
Fact is with all the wrong identification on fish like cories how are we ever to know planet catfish is correct without genetic results? I could go on google search any fish and get twelve pictures that all look different. Who is to be trusted? These cories could be the same , just color morphs. Out of the 6 cories 3 have the black sail distinguished and really dark. Three don't. Also 3 have the distinct black eye line. Three don't however the body shape of all of Cory group A is exactly the same. That's why I asked.. could this be a hybrid species. It's not unheard of. It could have been some freaky mishap in a wholesalers tanks.

I asked my friend to barrow his camera again i should get it tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll take like 20 pictures of each fish and each part of that fish. However i won't post them all I'll just add a link to all of them.
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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by MatsP »

If you are aware of any misidentified corys (or other species) in the Cat-eLog, please report it for correction in the "Suggestions and Bugs" forum - even if you are just doubting the correctness of a particular species. As far as I'm aware, there are no major inaccuracies - which unfortunately isn't always the case with either other web-sites, nor shops/wholesalers, etc.

But I wonder if you are seriously saying that Ian Fuller doesn't know what he's talking about? And who, do you think, would be a better expert at identifying your fish - I'd love for that person to stand up and join this forum?

Of course, you make your own judgement of who you can trust and who you can't. But I'd go with Ian rather than some self-confessed expert elsewhere (and that includes anything I say about Corydoras identification - I started out by saying "I don't know for sure" - although it seems I got at least one right).

Some references: ... Ian+Fuller ... ae_catfish ... 3936027803 ... 1/ian.html

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Re: Two cories to ID

Post by skaskankerbr »

MatsP wrote:If you are aware of any misidentified corys (or other species) in the Cat-eLog, please report it for correction in the "Suggestions and Bugs" forum - even if you are just doubting the correctness of a particular species. As far as I'm aware, there are no major inaccuracies - which unfortunately isn't always the case with either other web-sites, nor shops/wholesalers, etc.

But I wonder if you are seriously saying that Ian Fuller doesn't know what he's talking about? And who, do you think, would be a better expert at identifying your fish - I'd love for that person to stand up and join this forum?

Of course, you make your own judgement of who you can trust and who you can't. But I'd go with Ian rather than some self-confessed expert elsewhere (and that includes anything I say about Corydoras identification - I started out by saying "I don't know for sure" - although it seems I got at least one right).

Some references: ... Ian+Fuller ... ae_catfish ... 3936027803 ... 1/ian.html

Look I was not questions his judgment I just didn't understand what you said...
When I said that identifications are wrong I was more referring to Google. I goggled Corydoras melanistuis and they had a picture of delphax. It’s common to misidentify cories. The only problem with Planet catfish. Is that some of the pictures are different. Cory blochi the 3 pics have completely different looking cats. However I am sure it is just different coloring. Also some of the quality or angles are bad. However I understand fish don't exactly enjoy getting pictures taken of them. They don't pose. I also understand not everybody can shell out for a great camera. However those pictures should not be used for an identification cataloge. Just my thoughts. I meant that do to color changes and morphs it is difficult for anyone regardless of who they are to make a definite id most of the time. Some cories like sterbi are pretty easy, however with the spotted cories the difference is very difficult to see.
Thanks for your help
Corydoras Delphax it is..
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